Chapter three

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Margot's POV

Jared brought be to his house, and I suddenly understood what Cara meant when she said 'I think his family has money' - cause I suddenly think his family has money too.

I was kinda taken back by it, and was left not really wanting to approach it. I think Jared saw it too.

"Well now I definitely feel like a burden" I said lowly.

"Don't" Jared assured me. "I'm more than happy to have you here"

He guided me inside, and the house was beautiful.

We couldn't go far before we were spotted by two guys.. Jared's brothers.. I'm assuming.

"Hi Jared!" One of them said, before noticing me. "Oh, we got a visitor!"

"Who is it?" The other one asked, not looking in our direction.

"I'm not sure!" The first one responded, the both of them clearly discussing my presence right in front of me.

"Guys just stop it" Jared said, not impressed.

"Stop what?" One of them asked, now standing in front of us. "Who's the girl?"

"This is Margot.. my friend" Jared said.

Oh, apparently we're friends now.

"Hi" I smiled, now having the both of them standing in front of us.

"Jared what on earth did you try to drown her?" The tallest one said. "Come on, you know how to treat a girl better than this - at least give her a blanket!"

The other one then quickly went and got a blanked which he put over my shoulders. I thanked him.

"These are my brothers.." Jared said, about to introduce them both, but they took over and introduced themselves instead.

"I'm Shannon" one of them said. "I'm Jared's older brother who will beat him up if he doesn't treat you right"

"And I'm Tomo" the other one said. "I'm not blood related to those two assholes but we've grown up in the same house and I'll also beat him up if he doesn't treat you right"

"I guess I'll remember that" I nodded.

Before I could say anything more, Jared guided me further into the house while saying something to this brothers that I didn't get the time to catch up.

He showed me a couple of relevant rooms before bringing me up to his room.

"I must apologize for my brothers.. they thrive of making me look bad in front of new people" Jared said, scratching his head. "I promise you they won't bother you"

"It's alright, don't worry" I assured him. "This is a really nice house you got here"

"Thank you" he said. "Unfortunately though, we don't really got any guest rooms.. so you're gonna have to sleep with me.."

Sleeping in a bed with the hot guy?

Yes please

"I'm sure we'll manage" I nodded, trying not to show my actual reaction.

"Good" he smiled. "I'll find you some clothes of mine that you can borrow.. they're not gonna fit but you're going to get sick if you don't get changed"

"Again, thank you so much for this" I said, as he put the clothes in my hands. "You know you really don't have to"

"I know.. you keep telling me" he said, making it clear that he wouldn't listen. "Bathroom's in there, make yourself at home while I speak to the boys downstairs for a second"


Jared's POV

I let her be by herself for a little while and went downstairs to my brothers.

"Jared, who is that girl?" Shannon asked me.

"I'm gonna admit to you that I don't actually know" I said, looking at them both.

"You don't know?" Shannon asked, not looking impressed.

"Well not yet, that's what I'm trying to figure out" I said lowly, just in case she could hear me. "She just moved here and I saw her at school"

"And why is she here?" Tomo asked, also having listened to the conversation.

"She had some issues and couldn't go home" I said. "She was walking by the road"

"And since when do you help people?" Tomo asked. "You never have!"

"She's pretty" I shrugged.

"Jared I swear to god if you're planning on playing that girl just abort the mission immediately cause if you do we're both gonna beat your ass" Shannon said, having Tomo agree with him.

"I'm not" I scoffed. "I just wanna be friends... for now"

"Jared!" They both exclaimed.

"I saw you bringing her to your room" Tomo said. "Offer her one of the guest rooms instead"

"Already told her that there aren't any" I said. "And you are not gonna tell her either"

They both sighed.

I spent the rest of the evening with Margot. We ended up talking a lot about our school, our city and how life was like in America. It was all new to her and it amazed me how little she actually knew about the new life she now had.

Margot was an extremely interesting person to talk to, and the more I got to know her the more attractive she got.

We had dinner together with the boys, and even though Margot kept sharing some of her stories and experiences, she didn't say much about her family, or what had happened earlier that evening that left her unable to go home.

At the end of the night I was laying next to her in bed, with her yet again thanking me for what I had done.

"Jared I really can't thank you enough for this" Margot said, looking at me.

"I've told you not to worry about it.. why would I not want to help a pretty girl like you?" I asked.

"So you usually pick up pretty girls and take them home with you?" She asked.

"No, you're the first one" I admitted, looking at her smile.

"Well then.. I guess I feel honored" She said.

"You should" I winked, making her laugh. "Goodnight Margot"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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