Chapter. 1

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Dizzy couldn't remember the last time she had a normal life. Maybe when she was young, but that seemed to be a distant memory now. That sweet taste of innocence was gone, just like the bright light she had when she was only a child. She was different. In a bad or good way, she doesn't know.

Ever since her mother had joined, a group called The Sons of Anarchy, things hadn't been ordinary. Normal was just a setting on the dishwasher for the Smith family. It was a dream none of them even knew could exist.

Dizzy would do anything to go back to that day when her mother decided to join. Then she couldn't have to lose her mom, and her dad wouldn't be abusive. When her mother died, their father had taken her spot as the gang leader.

Dizzy remembered that she had to protect her younger siblings from his violent ways. Getting the many abusive hits one after another. Jax, her little brother, tried to help, but he was too young, and he couldn't do anything, for he wasn't as strong as their father.

That was until one day; the kids came home from school to see their house was burning. Their father still inside. Dizzy didn't know whether to save him or not. Was he worth keeping around? Life would be better without him. Right?

"We can't just leave him in there!" Pinky yelled to her older sister. Jax wanted him to die. Pinky hadn't understood what was right and what was wrong. She had grown up with the abusiveness; she thought it was natural. So her dad was her daddy. The one man she loves to hate. "Please, Diz!" She screamed out as the house began to burn more. The flames reached high in the air.

Jax held Pinky in his arms, so she didn't run inside. Pinky cried harder when the left side of the house had clasped. This made Dizzy shake her head. She would regret this later. She ran to the window and saw It was burning in the room, but she knew she had to save her deadbeat father, not for him but for her sibling's sake.

So Dizzy jumped over the window and landed inside. The fire began to rise higher on the walls. It was making the air smokey and the personal things burn to a crisp. It was scary. The fire looked like it was a wave over her head.

"Dizzy!" Jax yelled, and Pinky regretted telling her to get their father. She would rather lose one person than two. "Dizzy, get out of there!" Jax yelled out, but all she could hear was muttering and the sound of the fire crackling.

"Dad!" Dizzy yelled as she ducked under a broken board. The walls began to look black, and the wallpaper was peeling with it. "Dad! Where the fuck are you!" Dizzy said, trying to get his attention.

"Diz?" She heard someone call out. Dizzy turned around in what used to be the living room. Her father was lying on the couch. A pillar of wood was on him, pinning him to the sofa.

"Oh my god," Dizzy muttered and ran over to him. She grabbed the wood, but it was burning. "Shit!" She yelled out, pulling her hands away.

"Dizzy. I c-can't move." Her father said, and Dizzy rolled her eyes. He was always so obvious. He also wasn't the brightest person on the planet.

"Yeah, because you have a log on you." She tried again, and it was super heavy. Her father grunted in pain as she lifted.

"Stop!" He screamed out, feeling his spine break more from the released pressure. "Stop." He started to cry as it was too painful to move. It was like a thousand knives were stabbing him over and over again.

"I can do it! I'm almost there!" Dizzy tried again, and another wooden log fell from the ceiling. "Curse you, mother, for buying a high-beamed house." She muttered to herself, and her father chuckled. But it died out as he saw Dizzy try her hardest to pull the log off him. Dizzy had a look of determination and a twinkle in her eyes. She was so strong and so brave for even walking into the house. Oh, how beautiful. His purity of heart daughter was saving the most horrible man on earth.

"Dizzy. You need t-to leave." He stuttered out. She didn't listen, and the log was almost up, but his spine couldn't take anymore. He grabbed her arm tightly, knowing how much pain he caused her, and she let go of the log and backed up. He winced as the wood landed on him again. "Get out!" He yelled, and Dizzy shook her head.

"No! You may be a jackass..." Her eyes began to sting. She hated saying this. "But, you are all we have left!" She was so angry. For all the years of getting beaten. For all those years of being alone. He was there whether they liked it or not. He can't get away with this so easily.

"You need to protect your brother and sister. You are all they have left." Blood began to pour from his mouth, and Dizzy let her tears fall. The fire rose higher as she heard sirens off in the distance. "Go!" He yelled, and she tried to go at the log again, but the roof caved down on her dad, and she flew backward.

"DAD!" Dizzy yelled out. The fire in front of her grew higher up. She screamed out as the flames tried to touch her. Dizzy had to get out.

She turned around and looked at where she had entered. The window she had come from was blocked, and now she was stuck. Dizzy turned to see that there was an opening near the front door. The door had fallen off the hinges. She needed to break through the broken boards of it.

"Please don't hurt." She whispers and then runs to the door. Her arm smacked into a piece of wood. Her arm burned from the impact, but she made it out. She landed on the ground with a scream.

"Dizzy!" Jax and Pinky yelled out together and ran to her. The fire department and ambulance were there. Dizzy was holding her burnt arm as tears spilled from her eyes. But when she looked up at saw the horrible look her siblings gave her. She knew she had to be brave. Dizzy had to suck it up.

Dizzy sat up, and even though the pain in her arm screamed at her, she ignored it to take her siblings into a hug. They were crying hard in her arms. "I'm going to take care of the both of you," Dizzy says to them. She gazed up from her red hands and saw a man. He had stayed behind a lamp post watching as the EMTs came over. They began to take Dizzy by her other arm, lifting her off the ground. They were careful not to hurt her or touch any burns.

Dizzy's eyes were still on that man. He smirked and waved a little. Dizzy had a feeling he had started the fire. But why would they do that? Dizzy saw him turn around and saw his jacket. "The Sons." She muttered, and Jax was worried.

"What?" Jax asked, and she shook her head. Pinky and Jax jumped into the ambulance after Dizzy had got in. They closed the door and began to drive off. Dizzy, Jax and Pinky looked out the door to see the fire department had put the fire out. Their beautiful house, near the woods, was destroyed.

Torn down and nothing was left but broken hearts, and ashes of memories. Dizzy knew she had to take care of her siblings now. She was nineteen and so it would be her time to raise them sufficiently. Her brother, Jax, would be eighteen in two years. Pinky had five years before she had her last big birthday.

Dizzy made a vow that her siblings would always be safe, and she also vowed to get as much as she could on The Sons of Anarchy. Why would her own father's gang kill him? She didn't know. But she was going to find out.


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