Merry Hoe Hoe

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She walked down the aisle decorated with candy canes and mistletoe,her confident strides causing her large heels to be heard throughout the hallway. She was determined and frusterated. Why did Santa want to see her;the best elf by self proclamation.She would let her mind wander back to what may have caused this.Was it because she always spoke her mind especially about other people, or because she enjoys seeing the other elves faces cringe when she responds rudely to them. She pondered as she strode and finally arrived at a large door at least twice the size of herself with the word "Claus" engraved on the top. She swallowed her nervousness and opened the door,taking in the familiar scenery;Santa sitting on his throne surrounded with millions of beautifully wrapped presents. It was Christmas eve so of course they'd be basically done and finishing the final preparations, it was usually a time for celebration for the elves.. so why was she here? She approached Santa's throne and gave a very light curtsey while rolling her eyes. She hated the respect she had to show to the big man just to remain an elf of her caliber and to remain on the nice list and was distraught at the thought of losing her position of self proclaimed power.Her ears twitched lightly as she heard his low voice rumble "Genesis,I've noticed you've been treating the other elves terribly this year,with repeated warnings in the past.. do you have anything to say in your defense before I reach a decision on what to do about it?". She tried to speak out defiantly,that it wasn't her fault, but she caught the words in her throat and choked on her own breathe for a second before responding in a very blank tone "I don't personally believe I wa-" he cut her off abruptly with a firm tone "I do, and I've watched you.If that is all you have to say I'll give you a choice; You may be pushed to the naughty list and work in the lower stages of my workshop in confinement.. or you may be sent on a mission to redeem yourself.". Her ears would lower at the mention of a mission,she hated work and wanted to rush through things,and it was Christmas eve for goodness sake, her voice would yet again hitch nervously. "A-and when would you like this mission to be do-"Again,he interuppted her "Now.There's a certain human male who has been on the naughty list for ten years, we all know his name and who he is, he is a valuable target and you; who considers yourself the best, should try to take down the best.. should you not?". A ball would form in her throat and it'd be hard to form words. Him? The naughtiest of the naughty? He had to be kidding, he had to be. That man has a track record bigger then most peoples christmas wishes themselves, but she needed to stay on the nice list or her feeling of power over the nicer elves, her reputation, all of it would diminish. She'd speak up now, a little more determined after the thought of losing her place "I'll leave immediately." and without another word, she would wiggle her ears,close her eyes and invision her destination that Santa so kindly planted in her head to follow,immediately teleporting into an area completely opposite of where she came from, the smell of candy canes turning to the smell of alcohol as she landed quietly atop a rug in the mans house; she'd take a moment to survey her surroundings. It was a clean house with a few thrown clothes around but otherwise still rather classy,recognizing that the man shows pride in his surroundings at least. She'd quickly notice the television being on and that he was sitting in the chair in the center of the room,she couldn't properly see him except for his shaggy black hair as she approached behind,deciding to play with him a little she'd sneak up right behind him and say just loud enough to startle him "You know you really shouldn't be such a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer around the holidays. You're almost unemploying the Grinch". The man would instantly jump and switch the television off after the first few words as he looked stunned at her, throwing out a few select curse words as he was startled in his own home.She'd grin and quickly take him in.He was obviously not expecting visitors tonight as he sat with a loose buttoned dress shirt on showing off his toned abs and hardened figure, his jeans unbuttoned showing off a light bulge she quickly skimmed over(Lacking to his own knowledge currently as he was startled) and his hair in a shaggy mess that would fall upon his face. He would speak up as she surveyed him "Who are you, how did you get in here, and what's with the christmas getup?". Her heart would flutter with excitement as she watched the terrified look upon his face,almost wishing she could toy with him more and that this wasn't a business mission.. but having a little fun wouldn't hurt too much.. would it? She would respond now, confident in the face of this man. "Well isn't that a few smart questions you have there? I was sent by Santa as I am the head elf."She would wiggle her fingers in sarcasm. "And before you say anything stupid; Yes, I do mean the fat man in the big red suit and long beard,he is indeed real." (unfortunately..) She'd think to herself. The mans tone would change and his figure would now look more confident, as he seemed to survey the room with a cocky smile of his own now "And what does a fat man have to do with you standing in my house in an elf costume?" as he continued to survey,obviously looking for a hidden camera or something to dignify this as some sort of joke.She'd smile as she replied "Costume?Is that supposed to be an insult? I'll have you know that I'm the best dressed elf up in the North Pole". She'd pout angrily as she looked at him, both toying and slightly frusterated, her brows furrowing."But to answer your smarter statement, I'm here to offer a chance to redeem yourself and bring you over to the nice list, You're welcome." she'd smirk as she said the last part playfully.Noticing him look at her in a more playful manner "I didn't thank you and I'm not plannning on it, and what exactly are you trying to do to get me to redeem myself, have a heart attack by sneaking up on me?".She'd looked at her manicured nails, her fingers bending in towards her palm as she stands in a very cocky position,her hips out showing out her figure. "I almost forgot to add, I'm the best of the best AND YOU, well you're the worst of the worst"she'd playfully shake her head multiple times, her lips curving up into a wicked little smirk already thinking of how much fun she's about to have while talking him down,this was her element and she loved it. "You've been on Santa's Naughty list since the age of 10. 10? Really?"She'd say with a teeth showing smile and a laugh."Not to mention, Having sex with your teacher your junior year of high school, bet that got you a lot of high fives among your peers" she'd roll her eyes as she said this, her amusement obvious. "Then there was the time you seduced your mother's fri-". She'd be cut off by him as he's obviously heard enough to believe "Alright, I get it you're a Christmas elf yadayada I'm a bad guy. Now what do you want me to do to get you out of my hair,what's the catch?". She'd smirk and respond with a devilish grin "There's no catch at all.. but well.. you see as much as I'd love to give you a trip down memory lane we just don't have that time nor do I wish to waste all that time on 'Santa's redemption program"."she'd snarkly roll her eyes, a pinch of sarcasm in her her voice as she looked at her nails unamused. "The wretched course is going to test your behaviour over all as well as your listening and obedience skills"she'd say while letting out a disrespectful yawn midsentence."Blah, blah, blah, point is there's 3 rules for you must meet. Fail one and you fail completely. The only requirement is, my game, my rules. Break these rules and the deal is off." Her smile would be obvious to him as she flashed him a wicken grin, her amusement obvious to anyone that she enjoys this torturous effect,her mind wandering to that she will have him within her power to try and redeem himself to Santa. Her ears would twitch as she heard his response,"Alright..List the rules for me and I'll see what I can do." not paying attention to the way he was eyeing her figure; she was used to people drooling over her C cup breasts and her plump bottom,so she didn't pay much mind to it, especially when she feels she'll be in charge for the night."The rules are simple,The first rule is and this is the most important, no touching of the ears at all." She'd wiggle them to show that they were there."The second is anything after that basically goes and well the third is you have to show me a good time, I have to have an amazing time and you have to keep in mind that the power of giving is the biggest enjoyment to elves,so as long as I make someone happy while you show me a good time... Well do that and you're on the Nice List and redeemed.". She'd smile as she thought it over, that was an easy agreement. She thought about the silly things he might try, taking her out for dinner,wasting all his money on her, who knew. She'd sigh exhaustedly at the thought of having to spend all night with this man instead of picking on the elves, but still reached her hand out and said sternly "Deal?"noticing his gaze look her over again,and his lip lightly twitching,as if trying to hide excitement,but dismissing it,she'd hear him speak up "So your rules were what again? No touching your..ears? And that I have to show you a good time. Is that what I'm understanding?"She would notice the way he looked at her body but again pay it no heed,too lost in her own cockiness to care." Yes,that is it,do we have a d-" Before she could even say a word more his large hand encased her own and shook, securing the contract and hearing him coy."Yes,we have a deal."She'd smile contently and look towards the door,eager to go out. "Let's get on with it then." She'd take a step towards the door contently,only to feel his hand upon her arm, feeling fingertips brush upon her bare stomache and her body jerked back against his, feeling a large lump press against her ass cheeks as light sensations pushed through her,his other hand grasping her large breast, making her breath hitch "Wh-what do you think you're doing?" She felt his breath hit her neck as he lightly trickled his tongue against it, and nibbled gently, whispering into her ear. "Oh,you said not to touch these ears,and to show you a good time.. I think I found a way I could do just that.. and I guarantee the good time.". Feeling his bulge push up against her plump ass she would sigh in unwanted pleasure, before catching herself. "You tricked me! You really are the worst of the worst! Who do you think you are doing this to m-."her voice was cut off as his hand left her breast and wrapped itself against her neck,the feeling of it causing her breaths to run ragged slightly as she felt herself be turned, in a slight fog from the sudden situation and trying to wrap her head around it,as she felt his lips suddenly push up to hers. His skilled movements obviously trained as she felt him stick his tongue into her mouth the moment he had a chance, flicking his tongue against hers while her mind grew hazey her own tongue moving against him and kissing back passionately the excitement she was feeling was hard to control,feeling his hands move and roam across her firm figure ,her body lightly squirming as she felt his fingertips brush over her ass underneath her elf skirt and tug upon her ass cheeks hard,fondling them relentlessly and squeezing,forcing her hips to jerk forward hard and making her thigh trail against his obvious bulge,the heat of it hitting her skin making it even harder to concentrate. Not aware to the movement he's making while pushing her forward from the living room all the way to the bed. Feeling his lips part from hers he'd coy triumphantly. "I don't hear you making much complaints about me touching you in general, just that I tricked you.Did you need this that badly?" Before she could respond he would push her back onto the bed and stand powerfully over her,resting one hand upon her neck and applying pressure again so that she was still foggy and could barely make out words,as she felt him buck his hips, forcing his bulging shaft along her crotch of her pulled up elf skirt,the thin fabric taking the brunt of it and getting ready to tear, due to her bodies betrayal and feeling herself get wet under his assault.She would feel his gaze watching her large breasts heave through her ragged and excited breaths as he kept her pinned down by the pressure on her neck and ran his shaft against her pussy lips,feeling completely powerless beneath him,understanding that he isn't really breaking any pieces of the contract they made,she'd reluctantly start to urge her hips upward in need,obviously wanting more of his touch.Until suddenly he'd stop,his warm girth leaving her needy wet pussy as she writhed upward,showing her need and betraying herself with her pleasure as she felt his hand leave her neck in dissapointment. The dissapointment would only last a moment before she felt him tug upon her hair and reel her around,turning her body onto her stomache so that her large breasts were squished onto the mattress and her ass was up in the air for him,feeling her hair suddenly be tugged back she'd look upward,at the wall as she felt his large bulge against her yet again, now feeling the warmth more distinctly as she now felt his bare shaft, she didn't remember when he undressed but she didn't care at this point, as she wiggled her ass for him in absolute need,she'd feel his fingertips tug upon the globes of her ass and urge her back repeatedly,feeling his shaft trace between her ass cheeks and causing her to violently shake , trying to yell out that she wants him now but her voice would catch in her throat each time, too many sensations flowing through her. But her request was soon answered as she felt her panties suddenly rip from the constant assault of his throbbing shaft. Her body slightly tensing as she felt the tip enter her ,the wet folds of her pussy wrapping around him as she felt it slowly fill her up, her mouth hanging open and saliva dripping from her chin as every bit of his warmth started to fill her until she'd hit the base, her body lightly shaking forward as she felt the impact of his hips to hers,showing that he's all the way inside, her body squirming from the pleasure of feeling herself contract around his cockshaft. Closing her mouth immediately to try and stop herself from slobbering any further, before being incapable as he starts to slowly pull back,grab her ass cheek from one side as the other still used her hair as a leash,making sure to remind her who's in charge,using the plump globes to move her,as she felt herself plunged back and forced down to the base again,immediately starting to push back against him and getting into a rhythm of being filled with him, her back would unconciously arch with every thrust he did, pushing to the deepest areas of her pussy,her body convulsing in greed and need as she thought to herself about the nice list and the naughty list for but a moment, asking herself that if she was on the nice list. Would she have to give this up? Her thoughts would suddenly drift though she suddenly came, she was confused for a moment,not knowing how she would suddenly be driven to do so,as she suddenly felt the tugging of her ears, the ears of an elf being their most sensitive area she had no time to complain or to argue, she let her tongue fall from her mouth in the pleasure and bucked her hips, saliva dripping from her chin as she was jerked around,her elfhood being tugged to dominate her, the whole act being embarassing in herself causing her pussy to contract and spasm,forcing more and more to flow from her in absolute delight,feeling his cock spasm inside of her and a loud grunt escape from his lips,she knew that her thirst would be quenched soon as wave after wave of cum would escape his cocks head, and pour into her pussy, filling her to the brim with his cum as she shuddered,feeling all of both their cum slowly drip from her pussy as she collapsed,feeling him let go of her ears. She'd feel him lay next to her naked and already be drifted off from the exhausting endevour,as she'd slowly start to drift off herself, the last thought being on her mind as she started to fall asleep would be "Maybe the naughty list isn't so bad after all".

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