Look at me now!

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I woke up in a cold sweat, my dreams had really scared me. I sighed to myself, as I realised that waking up was my worst nightmare. Waking up meant getting ready for school. I dragged the covers over my head, anything to keep myself away from reality. 

"Come on, wake up sleepy socks!" Called my mom. I pulled the covers tighter to me. She was the reason for my problems, she treats me like a baby, even thought I'm 15. 

"Come on twinkle toes!" She cooed, "Time to get ready for school." School, my second problem. I enjoyed the lessons, but I hated the kids. And they hated me.

In the end she tugged my covers, so I got out of bed. I pulled on my school uniform, a white shirt, grey v-neck sweater and knee lenght socks. Oh, and not to forget my disgusting knee lenght skirt. All the other girls at school wore tiny little mini skirts, that swayed at the top of their tanned thighs. I wished my mom would let me, but she won't. I dragged a brush through my blonde hair, then decided it looked a mess. So I put it up in a pony tail, my mom won't let me use straightners. Oh, and she won't even let me wear make-up. Does she even wonder why I get bullied? I grabbed my sachel-yes sachel because guess what? My mom won't let me take a handbag like the other girls- and left my house. 

As usual I walked to school on my own.

I arrived at the school gates, to the sight of all the other kids. As usual people were all stood or sat in their cliques. My problem was that I didn't belong to a clique. I didn't belong here at all. Even "the geeks" didn't accept me. They didn't exactly tell me to leave them, but I knew that was what they were thinking. Instead of hanging around outside, waiting for the bell, I walked across the playground so I could hide somewhere in the corridor.

I ducked my head down, as I crossed the playground. Voices dropped, conversartions stopped as people stared at me. Me, the freak girl. Some of the boys started to snicker, whilst girls covered their mouths with their hands, trying not to join in. My cheeks burned, and my stupid, lank ponytail did nothing to hide it. I was nearly at the steps, leading up to the door. I smiled, a few steps until I was free, away from the laughing kids. But about ten steps to soon away, I felt something against my leg, and I fell to the floor. My glassed flew off, and books spilled from my awful satchel, which someone had undone on my way. The full playground burst into laughter, as my eyes filled with hot tears. I grabbed my things of the floor and stuffed then in my bag, as I ran up the steps to school.

"Hey, you forgot something!" Someone called, as I reached the top step. I didn't know whether I actually had, or if they were just joking. I heard a few girls giggle, so I turned around and shot them my dirtiest look. Big mistake. Once I saw who it was, I wish I had just carried on walking. Amy, Emily and Amber-the most popular girls in the school- were giggling at the fourth member of "the elite girls", Hannah, who was wearing my glasses and acting stupid. The tears spilled over, if my eyes were as made up as theirs my face would be covered in black stains. 

"Awwwww, look at her, shes crying." Laughed Amber, as she flicked her long blonde hair over one shoulder. Her comment caused tones of laughter. 

"Just give me my glasses and leave me alone!" I snapped. Even more laughter. 

"Say please." Taunted Amy, her emerald eyes twinkling. 

"Please." I mumbled. They giggled, making me hate them even more than I all ready did.

I was the school geek now its total Hot Stuff?!!??!.. NO WAY!!♥♥Where stories live. Discover now