Look at me now ''(:''

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That night I cried myself to sleep. Sleep, that wasn't a very good one. I kept waking up every few hours. When the sun finally flooded through me blinds, I got out of bed. I took a shower, to wash away yesterday's memories.

Once I was done I got dressed in: Black Skinny Jeans A purple t-shirt saying ''Love the way you lie'' Some Black Uggs And for Accessories I wore glasses (without the lenses) Black cut of Gloves and a winter hat, As I didn't feel like putting anything special on after last night with Kurt.  

and went downstairs. My mom was looking a lot better this morning. Her eyes were clear, and she was smiling again.

I told her I was going to see my dad for a while, and she agreed to let me go.

On my way, my eyes were darting around, making sure Kurt wasn't near. It was about 11:00 and he had all ready left me seven messages, which is a lot for a boy. I hadn't read any of them, and when he called, I didn't answer. I was just going to cut him out of my life. My phone vibrated again in my pocket, but I didn't check it, I knew who it would be. Kurt. Stupid Kurt, who I tried so hard to protect, who I didn't want to hurt. And what had he done to me?

I was constantly looking around all the way to my dad's. I didn't want to see Kurt or any of his friends. If anybody was around, I would jump. That's how scared I was.

I knocked on the door, and waited for an answer.

"Hey, Nicole, come on in." Sarah said, as she opened the door for me. I kicked off my shoes, then she closed the door behind us. "Your dad's gone out, sorry." She said, as she led me into the hallway.

"Oh, well, nevermind...." I started saying.

"Justin is upstairs in his room, if you want to see him?" She said, as she sat down on a sofa.

"Umm, sure."

I walked up the stairs, and looked around. Which room was his? I knew it wasn't the room I stayed in. I opened a door, and looked in.

"Oh my god, sorry!" I shreiked jumping out of the room. Justin was in there with just a towel wrapped around him, leaving his chest exposed. Did I mention he had a very impressive body? Six pack and everything!

I nearly fainted, right there, behind the closed door. I hadn't been expecting that.

"Looks like you got payback." He laughed, as he opened the door. He was now dressed, sadly.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I mummbled.

"No problem, so you wanted to see me?"

"Justin, I just don't know what to do." I said, bursting into tears again, as memories from last night wormed their way into me mind.

"Hey, come here." He said, hugging me tightly. He led me into his room, which was typically boyish. There was an unmade bed, clothes scattered on the floor and a shelf with his sports trophies on it. He had a sofa over in one corned, that was covered in clothes and different papers.

"Wanna seat?" He said, as he just dumped everything on the floor, and dragged me down onto the sofa. I sobbed into his chest for a while.

"God, I'm such a mess." I sniffed, as I wiped my tears.

"No your not, I understand the whole break up, I was a wreck after the whole Amber thing." He said, rubbing my arm.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, as we sat and talked about relationships and breakups.

Then he had to say it.

He just had to.

"Well, we both just had a break up, so we're both single..." His room was a typical boyish room. He had an unmade bed, clothes scattered all over the floor, a T.V on some sports channel, a shelf with his trophies and so on. At the back against the wall was a sofa, covered in piles of clothes and papers. He led me towards it, and dumped it's contents on the floor.

I was the school geek now its total Hot Stuff?!!??!.. NO WAY!!♥♥Where stories live. Discover now