Prologue: A Choice (Flashforward to Clandestine Academy)

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The girl with the fiery red hair closed the book carefully sighing to herself, as she was about to put it back on the shelf she noticed something taped to the back. She put the book down on the small desk. It was a small piece of paper, a note. She separated the note from the book unfolding it.

If you're reading this, chances are you are going through a time in your life where you're not too sure where you belong. I put this journal in a place in reach for a reason. Klein told me that even though he had to take a few days to think on it, becoming Mai Hinata's number 2 came down to one choice. How much did he care for her? It was easy after that. Mai Hinata took in my brother before she even knew about the Voivode, because she cared for a little boy who had lost his family. I left the Wantanabee's because, even though it was a hard choice, I knew it was the right one for me. I trusted Klein because, even though he drove me insane at times, I knew I could count on him. Later on, Kai allowed two more people into his life, Himari, Mai's daughter and Kokona, not because it was destiny, but because they became a family. Each one of us trust each other to our fullest. We would trust each other with our lives.

CLANDESTINE to us, it's not something that's kept secret, we are proud of what we have created. A family, we have made our own name, our own definition, our own legacy....

If you have to leave, do it, I don't see it as running away, you are running towards something. Once you find a place where all the pieces fit together, that is when you will know you belong and IF someday that brings you back, then you will know, with us is where you belong.
-Makoto Oshiro-

The girl sighed as she folded the paper sticking it in her pocket before tucking the book carefully back onto the shelf and got up. Heading to the door she walked down the halls of the building as she contemplated. Finally, she made a decision. She went out the door walked down the lawn and through the gate passing the sign.

Clandestine Academy

She didn't even notice the people watching.

"Guys look." The raven haired witch known as Kokona pointed at the fiery haired girl as she made her way past the gate. "Should we stop her?" A pair of ember blue eyes looked in her direction as she brushed her hand through her own onyx coloured hair.

"No, she's doing what's right for her. If she feels the pull, she'll be back." Kokona turned to the only other ember blue eyed person in the group.

"You're the head master, what do you think?" Kai gave a smile as he turned to his sister shaking his head.

"Makoto is right."

He smiled turning back towards the girl making her way away from the building and snatched a dagger from his pocket. Carefully, he tossed the weapon past the girls head towards a tree trunk and the blade stabbed the wood clean. The girl looked up reaching for the blade and plucked it out of the tree turning to the group. She smiled giving them a salute before tucking the dagger in her back pocket, turning and disappearing down the road. After her silhouette vanished the group turned back to one another.

"Well, I have a class to teach. Kokona smiled as she turned heading towards the building leaving Kai and Makoto by themselves.

"You were responsible weren't you?" Kai said as he turned to his sister. Makoto smiled.

"You taught them this far Kai, but we all have paths we have to find and follow." He gave her a knowing smile and ruffled a hand in her hair.

"And you were just the person to set her on it."

Clandestine Prequel Arc: MakotoWhere stories live. Discover now