Chapter One: That One Miniute

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They always told me time stopped when you fall in love. The minute I knew I was in love time did stop. It was at a swim meet of all places, Dolly wasn't swimming. She only swam at swim meets for our high school. A little girl was crying and I tried to help her.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She just cried more. She hid herself in the bathroom and women were already giving me looks.

"Leave me alone!" She wailed.

"You heard the girl!" a lady told me, I threw my hands up in surrender. I walked out.

"Where's Vivian?" Dolly asked me. Up to till this minute, I never realized how beautiful she was. Her brown hair pulled into a side ponytail, her green eyes, olive skin.

"Benji?" She asked again. I looked up again.



"She's in the bathroom." I followed her in there. The women kept giving me looks.

"Viv?" Dolly asked. The little girl answered by crying.

"Dolly, I've tried." I told her. She kneeled down still.

"Viv, can you come out?" Dolly asked softly.

"No." The girl cried.

"Is this about what that girl from the other club told you?" Dolly asked. Viv didn't answer.

"Sweetie if this is, being slow isn't bad." Dolly told her.

"What about what Ben said?" Viv cried. Dolly glared at me.

"What did he say?" She asked me. I tried racking my brain.

"You are only good if your fast." Vivian answered.

"That's not true. You're good if you try and follow technique. Sure speed, may come in handy. It isn't what you need to be a great swimmer. You swim, because you love too. I would know, I'm the slowest in the older division." Dolly told her.

"Really?" Vivian asked.

"It's true." Dolly answered. I watched her in amazement. Vivian came out and hugged her. When she looked that girl in the eye and told her it was going to be okay, that was when I fell in love with Dorothy Greg. Dolly wiped the tears off of her cheek.

"Vivian, you better go. Your heat is coming up." Dolly told her.

"Will you watch me, Dorothy?" She asked. Dolly nodded. We watched her run off. Dolly turned around and glared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You told her that in order to be good at swimming, you have to be fast?" She answered.

"I wasn't telling her in particular!" I protested. I didn't like that she was mad at me.

"Does that mean I'm not a good swimmer?"


"Benji, words affect people. Especially little kids!" She started walking away and that was when the slow motion started. I wanted to tell her not to leave, but I stayed quiet. I couldn't say anything.

"Benjamin!" someone yelled. I saw my coach.

"Get ready your after the little girls!" He told me. I kept watching Dolly.

"I love you Dorothy Greg and I'm going to marry you." I promised. Only the wind heard me, but I knew I wasn't going to break that promise.

"Benji!" My friend Carson yelled. I jogged over.

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