Rants and Raves - The Internet

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Hi, so, if you read my 'things I don't like about wattpad' book then you might realise that i love to rant about very annoying things on websites/the Internet. So, here I go again. I am going to let you decide my next chapter, so please comment and I will dedicate it to you, and if i'm feeling kind; read a few of your books. I will keep you no longer:

Pop Ups:

Everyone has had them, the pesky things that pop up on your screen when you are browsing. They might flash lots of different colours and maybe have a little shaking dance on your screen before you get rid of them. Most  of them are spams/scams/cons wanting you to give them your bank details or email address so they can either take your money or spam your inbox. They're horrible. They usually advertise the new iphone 23(which, by the way, doesn't exist) or say, 'CONGRATULATIONS! You are the 265298756th visitor to our site, here is a million pounds' (Which is not true.) So because this is such an annoying point I feel I have to do my bit for humanity and give you some tips:

1.) Don't, whatever you do' click on them. It is most probably a virus.

2.) Don't even click on the 'close this box' button, It is just as bad as clicking on the 'accept' button, for they are both hyperlinked to the same site.

3.) Even if the prize sounds really cool, Don't click on them.

4.) Don't try and click on the red X, ever wondered why they shake and jolt around? It is because when you click on the X button, the box moves, so you accidentally click on the box itself. Don't click on the Red X either.

5.) And if I haven't stressed this enough, click on the back arrow on your computer or refresh the page. DO NOT CLICK ON THE BOX!

And so I come to the end of my rant, again, this is my hobby. Keep me and yourself entertained and comment one of your problems. Even if it is a tiny problem. Every single one deserves a rant :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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