The Breeding Project: P3 Talks (Katie)

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''I want you to stay away from her. '' I said. '' You are not allowed to be alone with her at all. And if she ever comes to me saying you threatened her you will have to answer to me.''

By now she looked outraged. I watched as she stood and yelled, ''I will not be ordered around by my son about staying away from some stupid, Filthy, HUMAN BREEDER!!''

''She's not just a breeder,'' I yelled back. "She will be my wife!"

Katie's P.O.V.

I watched him as he walked around his room. He didn't say anything to me after I had entered. Just to sit on the bed. I did as I was told, not wanting to make him upset. I had yet to see what he was like when he was angry but I was in no hurry to find out so soon. Or ever. I made a promise to myself to try my best not to make him angry. After all it was what we were taught at the academy.

My eyes followed his footsteps as he walked towards the left of the room. He opened a large white door and walked inside what looked like a closet. When I noticed he couldn't see me any more I took this time to really look around his room.

I was surprised how bare it was. A giant TV hung on the wall opposite his bed.Under that sat a large brown wooden desk covered in papers and books. It all looked very important. To the left of that was a large glass bookshelf filled with heavy dust clad books and thick binders with mysterious writing on the spines. To the right was a big couch. It was a pale white with black trim and a blue throw blanket strewn neatly across the back. On the far right of the room was a set of clear double sliding glass doors that took up almost the whole wall. On the outside was a balcony. Then there was the bed that I sat upon. It was very large. Larger than any I have ever seen. Spread across the white sheets was a dark black comforter with light and dark blue accents randomly thrown onto the fabric. The big fluffy pillows at the head matched the thick quilt. To the left of that was the door the Prince had entered through. It was what I would assume to be the closet. And to the right of the bed was another door. Just as big as the others. I would guess that was the bathroom.

I was disappointed by how little it said about him. This room held no personal touches that I could plainly see. There were no photos of him or his family or friends. The walls were bare and plain white giving me no indication of what color he might like. And there were no movies or books that I could clearly see that would give me any insight to what he might possibly like. All of this only told me one thing right now. He was a very private person.

I sighed as I turned back around to face the glass doors of the balcony. Little light showed through the thin white curtains. It was almost sunset. I walked closer to the doors, looking through the sheer curtains.

The view took my breath away. Beyond the small French balcony was a vast forest. The trees seeming to have no end for miles before breaking into a grand fresh water lake that went on beyond my sight. The sun that was setting fell over the lake and lit the whole scene a fiery orange color that set the green of the trees and the blue of the lake to glow brightly in the evening sky.

" I take it you like the view. " The sound of his voice scared me half to death. I jumped and spun around to see him standing behind me, his arms crossed over his broad chest. I took a step back and bowed my head fearing retaliation. "My apologies your highness." I said quickly. I heard him huff and became nervous. I still didn't know if he was mad about what happened when we were at the hotel. Refusing an order from a vampire was punishable by death.

"When we're alone, don't call me your highness. That title annoys me.'' He said. I was surprised. This whole situation confused me. Why wouldn't a prince like his own title? What was I supposed to call him now? I had no idea.

I didn't respond. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and offend him.

I watched him as he walked past me to the balcony doors. He pulled the curtains back exposing the setting sun and opened the balcony doors. A thick, cold breeze drifted through the doors and I shivered.

He walked over to the desk and sat in the chair. "Come sit." he said as he gestured to the couch in front of him. I walked over and sat in the middle seat, folding my hands over my lap and keeping my head down.

We sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Say something,'' he said. His voice was calm and relaxed but I felt obligated to answer his request.

'' I- I don't know what to say,'' I said nervously. Was he actually expecting me to start a conversation with him?

He sighed. A small smile played at his lips as he asked me, "Do you know why you're here Katie?''

I did my best not to scoff. Of course I knew why I was here. It was permanently engraved into my mind before I was seven years old. It took no effort at all to recite the words that had been said to me since I could speak.

"I am here to serve you and the royal family. To do your will and tend to your needs as if they were my own. I will give myself to you when wanted. And, if necessary, bare any of your future children and raise them dutifully until you feel I am no longer needed and, have fulfilled my place as your breeder."

He smirked at me and I felt myself blush. 'Why was he watching me like that?'

"That was a good answer." he mumbled.

I watched him as he stood, standing to his full height of 6'8". He clearly towered over my petite frame. I watched as he walked to where I sat in the couch, then as he delicately kneeled down until he was at eye level with me.

The smirk never left its place as he continued to watch me. "Now tell me why you think you're here Katie." He said softly.

To this I had no answer. I ,myself, had no idea why a prince would suddenly one day decide he needed a breeder in his life. It was never taught to me that my place was to think of other reasons or answers to questions that shouldn't have been asked of me in the first place. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, trying my best to ease my screaming nerves before I answered. "I don't know why you want me here," I said. I barely caught myself before I called him by his title.

He smiled kindly at me, and in that moment I could feel myself becoming slightly aroused as I looked at him.

He reached out his hand and I slowly took it, surprised at how gentle he was being with me.He led me to the open balcony doors and we stepped out onto the small deck.

"What if I told you all of this could be yours?" he said as he pulled me in front of him, facing us towards the vast forest and lake. "That my entire kingdom would belong to you?" he continued. "And all of my people would worship the ground you walk on?"

"I don't understand," I said turning around to face him. Why would I have a whole kingdom that belonged to vampires, and I'm only a human?

Had the prince gone insane?

He smiled kindly at me, the dimples in his cheeks showing themselves proudly. he took my hand.

"Katie, the reason you're here is because," He stopped and took a deep breath. Was he nervous? "I'm ready to get married, and I chose you to be my wife."

I couldn't breath. I felt myself begin to fall before everything went black.

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