Chapter 8 || The prince on the white horse

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"Guys, you have to see this. It's to cute." Echo said

Everybody gathered arounds Clarke room. Looking at me sleeping on a chair holding Clarke's hand if my life depended on it.

"This is the first real sleep he had in a long time." Raven whisperd

As soon as Raven said that someone had to be clumsy and stumble on the window. Making a sound that woke me up. With that sound everybody got as quick as they can back to their rooms or place. I yawned slowly opening my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. I felt that I still held Clarke's hand. I looked down and rubbed my thumb across her hand.

"Goodmorning princess." I said sleepy. "I have things to do now. But I'll be back tonight." When I read her my first letter I knew that I was gonna read them all to her until she wakes up and then she could read them her self.

I got up from the chair bend over and planted a soft kiss on her forhead. I looked one last time at her before walking out of the door.

"Well if that isn't the prince on the white horse." Murphy joked

"What funny Murphy" I commented sarcastic.

I walked past him eating his 'breakfast'. I needed to get to Raven or Monty I needed their help. I would pick the first that I crossed. As soon I saw Raven.

"Hey Raven!" I shouted "I need your help with something it's important.

She walked up to me," Is it your girlfriend, I saw you this morning." She teased.

"First Raven she is not my girlfriend. Stop calling her that. And second I need your help with the radio I want to contact with O."

Of course Raven helped me. She installed everything. Because the first time I used the radio she told me I was just lucky that I came in contact with Monty. She even told me how to use it, even I already knew that. But me being a good person to her I wanted to have her moment. She left the room after everything was ready for use. I pressed the ON button, clicked on the talking button and spoke.

"Hello, O you there."

No responds came I tried again

"Hello someone there, here is bellamy Blake from beccas lab. I need to talk to Octavia."

"Here is Leia from the bunker I'm one of the guards how can I help."

"Leia isn't it"


"Well Leia, I need to speak to your leader Octavia Blake"

"What is it for"

I heard she got curios

"Well since she is my sister I would like to talk to her as a brother who need to catch up after 6 years."

"Yes of course I'm sorry she will be right on."

"Bell is that you."

"It's me O. I want to talk to you about all the bunker people." She kept silence what I took as a okay bring it. "Well since praimfaya is over when are guys gonna face the world?"

"I've been thinking about that bell, I know the door has been opened and soon enough people want to get out. I'm still sorting things out. Everything as to be rebuild. As the leader of those people I can tell you that we'll be out soon. As soon as that happens I will let you know bell. Don't worry about me. I have to go now duty calls. I love you big brother."

"I love you to O."

The radio went silence she sounded so much more grown up then when I left her. I was so proud of her.


We were in the open area as we call it. Raven and Monty were working on some technical stuff. Murphy and Emori were playing love birds. Abby was in her room. Nobody had really seen her the last couple of times. And Echo who knows where she is. And Harper was with me staring in the distance. A lot of time has past since this morning. And whole my time I was thinking or worring about Clarke. If she was ever gonna wake up. I stood up out of my chair. Everybody looked confused at me.

"I'm going for a walk don't wait up for me."

"He is definitely going to be the prince for his princess." Murphy joked

I didn't comment on that one I walked to my room got the letter from day 3. And walked to Clarke.

"Hey princess I told you I would come back."

I bend down and planted a soft kiss on her forhead. I went to sit in the chair where I also sat yesterday. I opend the letter and began.

"Day 3:
Dearest princess of me,
It's been 3 days since I found this way. I have 1 thing that was important and that is that Murphy came up to me and told me that Emori was pregnant. Can you believe it Murphy a father. No me neither but I believe in him. But that reminded me of you. Would we be together if you weren't on earth of maybe even dead. Would we have kinds I wondered that. And I know I'm not the prince on the withe horse. I couldn't give you everything you wanted. But if you were happy I was happy. So I would give you everything I have. It made me think of when we first met. My hands were made to tear and bruise. I held violence the same way other people held hands. But when I saw you. I knew you were going to be a problem to me. But I ignored it. That didn't go well because every time I saw you, you took my ability to breath, leaving a gap in the universe a vacuum sucking the air out of my lungs. And every bruise you had at a point of time. I ignored them for your real beauty. My hands learned to hold and stroke because of you. I told myself love was a lie. I put everything behind a door. But you saw past the monster I was. You would fight the sun for me if I led you. You knocked on the door instead of forcing your way in. So I gave you the key to my heart. And until now you still have that key princess. So hold on with dear life. Because you will need it when I get back to you. I will take the small change you're alive because I still have hope."

Love bellamy

This was just a random chapter I don't like the beginning that much but now you sort of know what will happen with the bunker people. Next chapter there will be more ofc. But in the main time enjoy this chapter. Don't forger to comment and vote and follow my insta: @bellvrkee


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