Chapter 10 || Me without you, is like a heart without a beat

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A/N: I'm not dead if you thought that. And I'm so so sorry that I didn't post in forever. Actually I don't have a good reason for it. Because it's been long since I last updated I'm gonna do a small recap. So you guys know what's going on.

Recap of the last chapter:
It's been 79 days since Bellamy read his first letter to Clarke. He falls more times asleep on the chair besides her bed than actually in his own bed. The bunker people came out of th bunker. They are now together rebuilding the world. ( I hope this helps if not just read the last part of the previous chapter)


I woke up from the sunlight shining into my eyes. I rubbed the sleep of my eyes. And they followed my hands to Clarks' face. I cherish her face with the top of my fingers.

"Goodmorning princess I need you to wake up. Because I need you so, pleas wake up."

I got out of the chair and looked one more time at the beautiful girl who was laying there. I just stood in the door opening looking at her. I am actually in love with her, I am for a long time now. And I think I can't live without her. If something happens to her now, I could never forgive myself. Maybe she will never wake up out of this transe. Then it would be all my fault. Maybe I should talk to Abby about it. That's what I'm gonna do I thought to myself.

I walked out the door of Clarkes' room on my way to Abby. I ignored all the calls to me from Raven or Murphy. I just needed to get to Abby she needed to explain what was going to happen next.

I stopped at her door. I nocked on the door of steal. A lot of the doors and stuff were from steal in this lab. Not much later the door to Abby's 'office' opened. I walked in and immediately began to speak.

"Abby I need to know what is going to happen to Clarke. Is she ever going to wake up or does she stay like this? It's been about 80 days since the last time she was awake. I can't handle this anymore longer!"

"Bellamy you need to calm down. Take a breath and sit down please."

I took her advice and sat down. My foot was impatient tapping on the floor. Abby went to sit across me. It looked like a real doctor meeting.

"To be honest Bellamy" she began "I don't know what I should do anymore. I need her to wake up like you do. But I'm not a magician I can't say I want her to wake up now, and she does that. All we can do is wait, in the hope she returns to us. So that is what you need to do now, just wait."

I looked at her with open mouth. How could I patiently wait, when I know there is a change she might never wake up again. I got up and without any word said I left the room. I walked to her room making no contact with my friends who were asking stuff. I sat down for the thousandth time, and took another letter in my hand and began to read.

"Dear princess of me,

It's been 80 days since my first letter. And I realise I can't life without you, I'm so lost. Maybe I should just give up and kill myself. Because me without you is like a plane that doesn't fly, a year without July, a stream which became dry. A match without a fire, A circuit without a wire, a car without a tire. Socks without feet, fire without heat, a heart without a beat-"

"No, no Bellamy don't leave me!"

I stop reading and looked up from me paper. I just realised she said something. I took her hand and squished is a little.

"Clarke, Princess you awake?" I said but she didn't respond. She looked terrified, the sweat was dripping of her face, and all she could to was turn and turn.


This is the end of this chapter hope you guys like it. Leave a comment and like. And again so sorry for not updating for so long. The next chapter is going to be the last😭. And don't forget to follow me on insta: @bellvrkee

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