Don't Leave Her

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Did you see that sparkle in her eye?
The one that shined like a sun before it died?
Do you know who stole that shine?
It was you,
Her so called "partner in crime" ,
You stoped passing by,
Saying hi,
Waving good bye.

Did you find someone new that interested you?
Why have you ignored and tortured that poor girl?
Her mental state was unstable enough as is,
Why did you make it worse?

The past haunts her once again,
The people she thought would never leave,
Disappeared right before her eyes,
I beg of you to give her one last try,
Dry her eyes and give her a smile,
A real one that will scare the dark cloud hanging over her head,
Now go on!

Make me smile and happy once more,
Like you did before,
Down there where I used to stay,
Before I spread my wings without a say.

Go return that sparkle to her eye,
Have it shine like a thousand suns,
Now I leave you my sister, Lye.

This is apart of one of my new oc's story. She is an angel and watches over her sister Lye, who doesn't remember her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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