Magnetic Today

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Okay so you're all probably wondering "Another book of oneshots? really? After not uploading in forever?" Just... go with it please. I decided to start this random book as my form of "doodle dumps," aka random things I think of. Its all NicoMaki because favorite ship so if you like NicoMaki then please stick around ! anyways, let's get started.


Maki's P.O.V.

There had been several times in my life where I questioned what, exactly, I was doing. This was one of those times.

Sinking lower in my seat, I gaze across a small cafe tucked away somewhere in Akihabara over the top of my menu. I watch the twin tailed girl I'd been trailing for almost an hour now eat her burger delicately, as if she knew she were being watched. She'd been eating for... thirty minutes?! I look at my watch again, my eyes wide with disbelief.

Geez, Nico-chan, I think to myself. How long does it take you to eat a burger? I have places to be! I reached up and made sure the hat I'd put on was still there--it was the only thing I could find to conceal my bright red hair. It is probably really odd to be inside wearing large sunglasses to hide my eyes but I didn't care. Nico had done it several times before μ's became famous. She continued to do it in fact, but today she'd chosen not to.

I thank my past self for the sunglasses I'd stashed inside my coat pocket in case I ever needed them. Truthfully, I don't know why I am here. Well, that's not technically the truth. Rin and Hanayo had invited me to a movie and while I was on my way I saw Nico go into this cafe and had decided, for some reason, to follow her in. 

Her eyes slide to mine for a second before I hold up my menu higher, my heart pounding wildly. I silently pray that she doesn't recognize me. Mercifully, she returns to eating her burger, sounds of satisfaction escaping her lips. A sigh of relief slips out of me as I relax, slumming back down into my seat. What am I doing? I have no reason to be stalking my senior other than my stupid feelings.

Butterflies begin churning around in my stomach as I look at her once more, the girl I had a secret crush on. I would never admit it out loud but she was cuter than anyone I'd ever met--all I want to do is hold her hand at least once. I begin watching her over the top of my menu once more when a waiter comes over and says, "excuse me, miss. If you aren't going to order anything then I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

My cheeks heat and I stand quickly, closing the menu and setting it on the table. Nico jumps from where she is sitting at stares at me, her eyes narrowing. "Fine," I say, hurrying out of the cafe and away from Nico. I can't help but feel like a fool, again. I really am in too deep with this one. With one final glance back at the cafe I hurry down the street towards the movie theater.


Nico's P.O.V.

Nico... I think, sinking lower in my seat, what are you doing here?!  I pull my coat tighter around me as more people make their way into the theater.  I tug the face mask I keep in my pocket up higher on my nose, ignoring the odd looks from those around me; Maki is the only one I am interested in. She is sitting a few rows ahead of me with Rin and Hanayo, the three of them chatting quietly over popcorn as they wait for the movie to start. I'm not even sure how I got myself into this situation. 

That's a lie, I know exactly how I got here. I was out on a day for myself when I'd caught Maki staring at me in the cafe with her ridiculous outfit. What was she even doing there? Last time I checked, rich girls like her didn't go to cafes like that. Maybe... no, it's foolish to think she followed me there. Right?

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