letting you be me

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I let you tell me who I was.  I let you tell me how I felt.  I let you tell me what to do and when to do it.

I didn't have control of me.  You did.  I let you take over my body, mind, and soul.  I wasn't myself I was whoever you wanted me to be.  Yes I knew that it wasn't right, but I didn't care all I wanted you to do was notice me, care for me, and love me. The only way you would even look my direction is if you needed/wanted something. I let you abuse me physically and mentally.  I didn't care, I just wanted you to love me.

Every night when you came home from work you would go to your room with my little brother and sister and lock your door from the inside locking me on the outside. The only time you talked to me was to tell me to got get you a beer.  Lonely I was without you my mom ignoring me.

I had no friends at school because I was always too busy running place after place for you.  Going  grocery shopping, cleaning house, making meals, helping little my brother and sister with their homework. I barely had any time for me.  By the time I got done with everything you had told me to do it was almost time for me to wake up.

All I ever wanted was your love mom, but you never told me that you loved me.

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