The Battle for Olympus II

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Battle for Olympus II, how I think the battle with Krios and Jason was like.



As the Romans fought the Titan Army, Jason knew they might lose, and he knew why, Krios. Someone must fight him. Yet Jason knew that answer too, he is destined to fight him. So Jason knew what to do.

Jason sent a lightning bolt into the group of monsters and charged toward Krios.

Krios chuckled. "Son of Jupiter, it's foolish to attack me, a Titan. An elder Titan. What have you done in your, pathetic, worthless life, demigod?" asked Krios.

"One thing," Jason responded. "Killing you."

Jason pulled his sword out while Krios pulled out a sword and blocked Jason's first strike before sending his own.

Jason blocked but stumbled back at the power behind the strike. He regained his balance in time to dodge a jab aimed at his chest. Jason spun away from another jab before slashing across the Titan's stomach. Krios grunted in pain but began to attack once again. Jason managed to block and evade the strikes from Krios but was stuck of defense as the Titan's strikes were fast and powerful.

Krios tried to get inside Jason's guard but was met with a surprise as Jason hit the Titan with a lightning bolt. Krios roared in pain before head butting Jason causing him to lose his grip on the Titan.

Krios charged and feinted a strike to Jason's right and swung his sword at his legs when he tried to block the strike to his right. Jason's legs were knocked out from under him and he fell on his back hard. Krios raised his sword to impale Jason but was met with lightning to his face.

The Titan roared in pain and stumbled back. Jason hopped up to his feet and looked at Reyna and Gwen to see them trying to hold off monsters as they poured in by the dozen. Gwen and Reyna were fighting as a team, fighting off any monster that got close to them.

Gwen was knocked to the ground by a Hellhound that snuck up on her and the monster was about to sink its fangs into her neck until a sword went through its throat. Bobby jumped forward to defend Gwen while Reyna was on one side to fend off monsters.

Jason turned back to Krios to see a sword being thrust into his shoulder. The weapon sunk into his shoulder and Jason let loose and growl of pain. Krios pulled the sword out of his shoulder and sent another thrust toward his head.

Jason ducked and spun a one eighty, slashing a deep gash across the Titan's thighs. Jason hooked his leg behind the Titan's before slamming his fist right in Krios' nose, sending the Titan to the ground.

Jason lunged forward to impale Krios who turned to avoid it. The sword missed his chest, instead impaling his arm.

Krios bellowed in pain before kicking Jason back as he climbed to his feet, swinging his sword like a baseball bat, slashing Jason in the chest and knocking him off his feet again.

Krios lunged forward and kicked Jason's sword out of his hand. Jason panicked for a second as the Titan raised his sword to impale him.

Before the strike could be brought down, Jason gathered up all his strength and punched him in the face. The Titan stumbled back. Jason kicked his legs and the Titan fell.

Krios grabbed Jason's leg and brought him down. They wrestled until Krios was on top. He grabbed his sword and lifted it up high.

"Jason!" Reyna called, "Your sword!"

Reyna threw him his sword and Jason caught. When Krios brought down the strike, Jason parried the strike. Jason managed to get out and stand up. Krios followed his suit.

Jason, in one swift, fluid, motion, stabbed the Titan in the stomach, impaling his Stygian Iron armor. Then, Jason slit the Titan's throat.

The Titan dropped to his knees before collapsing onto the ground, golden ichor pouring from his deeply slit throat.

When the Titan's body hit the ground, Jason went by the Black Throne and sent one, giant, lightning bolt at it. It was destroyed. There was shock silence then all the Romans cheered,

"Praetor! Praetor! Praetor!"

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