Chapter 7: Our Last Night...

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(Please, just look at that amazing dab! This is going to be multiple point of views again, but mostly Andy's. Just letting you know!)

Quinn's POV

After Violet cleaned me up, I wanted to take a shower. So she was in their with me. I promise you, nothing weird happened okay? I just couldn't stand on my own....

She dried me off and dressed me, then clothed herself, then walked me to my room. She gently laid me down and went to turn off my lights. "Vi-Violet?" I asked weakly. "Yes?" She answered. "Can you please get me some food? I'm hungry. Then come back? I don't want to be alone..." She smiles and nods. Then comes back with a plate PILED of food. I laugh and say, "I'm not...that hungry." She laughs and says, "I brought two forks, whatever you don't eat, I'll eat. K?" I nod and she sets down the plate. It was painful to eat, but I didn't want to worry Violet. We finished our food and fell asleep together.

Andy's POV

Ian and I were texting for hours. I even ate dinner in my room to stay with him. It's sad though, he's already getting in my head, talking about what he would do to me and stuff. I won't lie, it's sort of arousing. I keep thinking, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, but somehow, he gets through to me.

He was asking my address, and stupid me, I think he's kidding. So I tell him, 20 minutes later, I hear knocking on my window. I get up and I open it, the first thing Ian does is kiss me. I go to object but he grabs my dick. I freeze and he smiles against my lips. He whispers, "Let me in." And still holding me, I do. Without breaking the kiss, he shuts my window with his foot. Then he turns off my lamp and leans me against my bed. My legs buckle and I fall back with a gasp.

Ian grabs my wrists with one hand, and the other rubs my semi-hard dick. I mutter to myself, "I'm not gay, I'm not gay." Then Ian whispers, "You aren't yet... I said until you beg for me, right?" I nod slowly and he bites my bottom lip. He stops rubbing me and grabs me, hard. I want to help in pain, but then it turns to pleasure. He bites my earlobe and with the hand that held my wrists, went to scratching down my side, down to my thigh.

I go to call for him, but stop myself. I'm straight...right? Then, to be an ass, he leaves me, and sits on the opposite side of my bed. I sitting the in shock. He can't do that to me?! I get needy and he walks around my room. I'm fully hard now, and he just fucking leaves me? Oh hell no.

He's looking at my CD collection when I firmly hold his hips and gently presses him against my dresser. I growl in his ear, "Don't. You. Ever. Leave me like that again." He smiles and asks, "What are you going to do about it then?" I pick him up and throw him on my bed. He yelps in surprise and I climb on top of him. He says, "This is the first I'm being controlled..."

I smile and kiss him, slipping my tongue in. He moans softly and that went straight down. I say, "When am I going to get off?" He says, "All you have to is ask for me Andy..." I decide to give in, I can't do it anymore. It's been a while since I had a girl, so don't judge. "Fine, Ian I want you. Please, please, please?" Ian laughs and says, "Okay, okay, since you asked nicely." He grabs his bag and pulls out something.

I ask, "What's that bag full of?" He smiles and says, "Oh honey. You'll find out." He pops off the lid of whatever that is in his hand, and pours some on his hand. He takes off his shirt, then mine, and we make out. His hand trails down my tattooed skin and stops at my belt. He looks at me with permission and I nod. What's hot is how he takes my pants off. He undoes my belt with his teeth, and pulls it off, throwing it across the room. He then quickly unbuttons my jeans and I pull them off. He teases me some more before fully undressing me.

Then, he rubbed the liquid he put in his hand on my hard penis. It makes the whole room smell like a sweet aroma, then I feel it. At first, it was freezing, but it's heating up the faster he jerks me off. It feels amazing. I bite my lip I lean my head back. Ian licks the inside of my thighs and I ask, "Why are you still dressed?" He smiles in the moonlight. "Do you want me to undress?" I nod eagerly.

He licks his hand off of the lube and my pre-cum. God, he's hot...

He decides to do a strip tease. He slowly pulls off his belt, and when he does, he hits my bare skin with it. It made a loud slapping noise and my stomach stung. I cover my mouth so I don't yell in pain. Then he takes off his pants and site on top of me in his underwear. His dick basically pokes my mouth. I tease him him and breathe on it. He tenses up and I take him out. I seen girls give me a blow job, so it might not be that hard.

I stick it my tongue hesitantly and Ian laughs. "What?" I ask. He says, "Babe, let me help you..."

I nod and he tangles his hand in my hair, then with his other hand, his thumb he strokes my bottom lip. I open my mouth and he sticks the tip in my mouth. I swirl my tongue and Ian gasps. I smile and grab his hips. I pull him so I can have more of him. I rock him back and forth and I suck him harder. Finally, a thick warm, salty liquid coats the inside of my mouth. I swallow everything and Ian wipes off my mouth with my blanket. I smile and my brain can't process of what I just did.

Then Ian asks, "Do you have a condom?" I smile and asks, "Why, nothing will happen..." He nods and scoots back. He places my hands on his hips and places himself on top of me. Before I can ask what's happening, he plops himself on me. He gasps and moans as he has to get used to me, and I groan because it feels good to be inside of someone. I take over uncontrollably and I grind into him, each time, goes faster and harder. I flip us over and bite him everywhere. Luckily, my parents aren't really in my life and are hardly home, because Ian's so loud, that the neighbors might hear.

I go faster and faster, and I feel my stomach clench up I shake and continue to go faster. I never thought I could go this speed, but I'm doing it.

Ian groans, turn into moans, then moans turn to screaming. "Ooo Andy! Don't stop! Don't...stop!" He surprisingly cums again on my stomach, then I finish inside him.

I'm out of breath and I get 2 towels and 2 outfits. I out them on my bathroom sink. Then, playfully pick him up and he squeals. I put him in the shower and we clean each other off. I can't resist but kiss him underneath the running water. I ask when we get out and get new blankets, "What are we Ian?"

He laughs and kisses me. "We're fuck buddies for now..." I say, "I'm okay with that." We laugh and fall asleep.

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