Chapter 8: This is a wasteland...

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Quinn's POV

I wake up to my ringing phone. Violet hands it to me. I try to say "Thank you" but my face is so badly beaten that I can't. "He-hello?" I ask painfully. It's Ian's voice. "Dude, you won't BELIEVE what happened!" I wince at the volume of his voice. "I'll-talk at sc-school." And I hang up. Violet's sitting up, running the sleep from her eyes. She mumbles sleepily, "I'll get the makeup and the ice..." And trudged out of the room.

I close my eyes and embrace that I'm a ball of hurt.

Andy's POV

I wake up and expect to see Ian, but I woke up to an empty bed. I frown and feel sort of sad, but there's a blue piece of paper by my phone.

To Andy,

Last night was amazing. You're the best one yet! Anyways, we can hang out at school, just keep it in the low. Just warning you, I'm telling Quinn. She's my sister so she HAS to know everything. I'll leave out the details. I'll be there to tonight!



I smile in satisfactory but get extremely jealous. Best one yet? How many guys does he have? I don't want to be a piece. I mean, I k is that we aren't going to work, but he's the first guy I fucked. He sort of has a special place in my life now.

I go get ready for school and get ready to see the guys. But now, I'm going to look at them differently. I mean, I found Ian hot and sexy. What if I fall for one of the guys? Oh well, I'll worry about it when the time comes....

Ashley's POV

Quinn and I were talking forever last night. For some reason she was less cheerful, but I didn't want to bring up something that would bother her. So to bring her joy, I'm going to buy her a gift and make her food. I texted her,

"Good morning Quinn? Would you like some breakfast?"

She replies, "Of course Ashley! Thank you so much. Can I vent to you?"

My smile fades away, "Of course, are you okay?"

She takes a while to respond, but then I get a video. I open it and I gasp. Violet's doing her makeup while trying not to cry, while Quinn has a puffy face, black eyes, and a busted face. She then moves the phone around and I see hand prints and stuff all over. She's only in a bra so I can see everything. She then smiles and the end and the video shuts off.

Whoever laid a finger on her, I will beat their face in.

At School...

Quinn's POV

I wore black sunglasses because even though I have makeup caked on, it doesn't help the puffiness. I rode through the gates with a skateboard and see the group. When I was walking up to them, Ashley looked pissed, and the rest of the guys were making jokes and laughing. Ian and Andy we're sitting next to each other, but Ian had a different vibe. He had an attractive feel. I arrive to the table and everyone smiles. Jinxx says, "Sick glasses." I say my thanks and ask, "Ashley, do you want to walk around?" He smiles and winks, "Sure honey!" To keep his flirtatious act. Everyone cheers as we walk away.

We found a spot in the grass that has a little tiny bench. We walk over to it, and set my bag down. But when I go to sit down, all Ashley does is hug me. I hug back, immediately feeling somewhat safe. He pulls away and holds my face. I hiss in pain and he immediately apologizes and holds my arms. it still hurts but I hold it in. "Whatever you're about to tell me, I won't judge you. I won't care about you any less. I just want you to know that you can trust me and that I won't say a word.  Okay?" I'm shocked at his behavior, but I go with it. 

We sit down and it's like vomit at the mouth. "My parents abuse me, Violet, and my siblings. Well, not as much as Violet, she just gets hit for defending me. But besides the point, I don't want to go home anymore. And in my bag..." I open my bag and it reveals a few pairs of shirts, bras, underwear and pants, a toothbrush along with some toothpaste, the travel size shampoo and conditioner, and a tiny hairbrush. Ashley looks at me with worried eyes and asks, "Where are you going to go?" I shrug and smile, "I get to do what I always wanted to do. I can be free. I can feel the wind run through my hair as I buy my way through some motels, and travel wherever I want with this skateboard." I hold it up proudly. 

Ashley smiles and says, "Look, if you want to, you can stay at my place?" I laugh and say, "Thank you for the offer, but I don't want to be trouble for your family. My parents will look for me, and if they find me at your place, then everything will go wrong." he then takes my hand and drags me to a classroom. I ask, "What are we doing here?" He says, "Wait here." And disappears. I wait until what seems like forever until he opens the door and motions me to come in. I obey and walk into the pumpkin scented room. A male asks, "Ashley told me the situation. Is it all true?" I nod. "Okay then. I'll cover for you both, saying that they felt sick and told me they went home. Here's your skateboard Ash. And if you guys get caught, don't say my name okay?" We nod and my jaw is on the floor. Ashley grabs his skateboard and says, "Mr. Lennard is really cool. I'm escaping with you, let's go." I smile and say, "Before we go, I need to do something." He nods and we run to the group. 

We arrive and everyone looks at us weirdly. "Where you guys fucking?" CC asks. My eyes widen and I yell, "Why would we do that?!" Andy helps, "Because one, it's Ashley, and two, you both are out of breath." Me AND Ashley shake our heads. I drag Ashley and Violet away from the group and say, "Violet, we need to talk to you." Ashley says, "Okay, this is all you. This also sounds very personal so I'm going to give you space." And walks back to the group. Okay? I resume, "Okay, anyways, home is too fucked up for us misfits. We're leaving this wretched place, okay? We can live and finally be ourselves!" Then, being her logical and annoying self, says, "How are we going to do this?" I roll my eyes. 

"Look, I have money that I've been saving for YEARS. I was thinking that we can sneak over to our garage, get your skateboard, go to Ashley's house so he can pack, we all share clothes for the time being, stay at motels, and just get away." She looks at me like I need help. "You're fucking insane Quinn! Even if this does work, by the way Ashley's clothes are not going near my body-" I interrupt, "Fine, you can use mine." She continues, "Our family is psychotic. They will search for us with everything that they have, meaning friends, teachers, PHONES?" I didn't think of that one. 

"Yeah, so, good luck with that..." She says. I yell in frustration, taking off my glasses. "Okay, do you see my face?! My body?! They're going to beat you for the rest of our lives, and when I'm gone, they're going to take everything out on you for my disappearance. Do you honestly want to live in fear for the rest of your life?" She looks down. "No." I say, "Okay then, let's go. It's now or never Violet. I'm leaving, no matter what, but I wouldn't feel guilty if you came with me..."

She looks at me and shakes her head. "I'm sorry Quinn, I can't. But you go, okay? I'll lie for you guys." My heart breaks. 

"No! Come with us, please?" She lets a tear fall, and shakes her head again. Ashley run up to us. "Hey Quinn, if we want to go, we need to go now. School is about to start." I look at Violet one last time, and she stands her ground. "Fine, but I'll keep in touch with you, okay?" We hug for a few minutes and the bell rings. Ashley and I look at each other with a smile. "I told the group, they're covering for us. Ready?" I nod and say, "Let's run..."

We hop on our skateboards and scream in freedom. The group claps and whistles. We wave goodbye to them and I look at Violet. She's smiling and screaming for me. I smile at her and mouth, "I love you sis..." She laughs and mouths back, "I love you too bro..."

Ashley and I grab hands and race to his house so he can pack. This is a wasteland, that is full of wretchedness and divine. Yet we say, "Let's run!" and think, baby, we're coming home. To our real home...

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