Dress code.. huh?

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We say clothing is a way for our kids to express ourselves.
Okay cool so I put on my favorite top which is off the shoulder with spaghetti straps attached to it.
And i go to school and I'm scolded by school authorities and they are having a whole fit.
About what..my clothes...what's offensive or off putting about my outfit.
Or is it because your solely focused of the way my dress fits.
But yet we say to our kids to express yourselves through clothing.
But  the very  moment I do so I get criticized about what I'm wearing because parts of my body are forming.
Why do we feel the need to make our
girls  feel self conscious about our body so we dont attract unwanted attention.
Why am I concealing the very parts of me that makes up me
Why am I shamed upon for simply expressing and showing these.
We restrict our girls but liberate our boys.
Giving them the intellectual and physical freedom to do whatever, whenever at any given time or place.
Hinting the fact that's okay for them to act upon their feelings and urges without getting an okay.
Let's in fact change our mentality. Educating both girls and boys about our bodies and letting them know its natural to develop.
But what we're not going to do is make it okay for our boys to touch or feel all because they're sexually fed up.
So I'm going to put on my favorite top despite all the black lash.
And just go with the flow and know that what I'm saying is pure facts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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