Chapter 2 : Awakening

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     I finally stood up after what happened; I looked at my hands to find it trembling out of fear, fear was once an impossible feeling for me. I grabbed my handkerchief and laid it on his face. It was an unpleasant thing to see. Emotions gripped my heart as I stared into his lifeless body, it made me feel like I was the monster. It just wasn't right.

"Dad, don't worry. I'll find out what's happening, and what's causing this. I'll end this catastrophe for you." I said as I hugged him for the last time. One thing was on my mind, something evil was spreading  througout the city and I have to make an end to this, for my father.

Organizing my bag, I threw out all of its contents away, including my ID that read Alice Reed on the front and had a picture that depicted me smiling. It probably wont happen ever again, I thought.

I grabbed a survival bag from my dad's closet, it was already organized with food, medicine and clothes. My father always said this day would come, the day when humans are judged by there actions. Grabbing a bow from his collection, I remembered my archery training, I was ten when he started to teach me how to shoot an arrow.

           I have to admit, I was much more prepared for an outbreak like this than for my finals."Guess finals are postponed then?" I smirked, I can't believe I could still joke about this after what happened. But hey, you could only live once right?

      I  got out my father's old hunter clothes after trimming it down to make it more comfortable to wear, I trimmed the pants up to my knees and cut the sleeves abit shorter so that I can move more freely. I thought it was a good time to wear it too,  it was very lightweight considering it's thick fabric. I remembered how my father used to wear this during his hunt, and the way that he felt good when his catch was a handful,those times when innocence and peace were still at place.

     Preparing myself for the worst, I opened the door. A cold breeze greeted me as strands of my hair flew in the dancing winds. There was smoke, smoke everywhere. Houses burning, cars crashed in the sidewalks. Everything was in chaos. I could hear crying and screams everywhere. Shrills filled these streets that was once a peaceful community.

 I looked for a place where I could sit for a while and hide from this chaotic  scene. I noticed a waiting shed just up ahead was empty and the area there seemed isolated.

I started to walk towards the waiting shed when I saw some of my neighbors, they seemed to have been affected by the virus. I wondered how it easily spread.

Like I had to ask, Of course, the bites I thought as I gazed at a woman screaming as pieces of her flesh were being chunked down by a group of inhumans. I decided to call them Inhumans, since my father's incident, this virus or what somehow turned humanity into Inhumanity.

I spotted my neighbor Mr. Furgoss as I moved closer to the shed., he was in his late 60's. Last time I heard he had to stay in bed for five long years of recovery, but now I couldn't believe what I just saw. A fast-paced Mr. Furgoss chasing down his housekeeper, Mrs. Linda.

Poor Mrs. Linda, I wish I could help, but helping them would also be sacrificing myself to the inhumans as I would also be chased down by Them. I tried to ignore the screams of the people, the visions in my head started to blur as I heard them yell for help. 

I soon reached the old waiting shed, the shed that stood away from the chaos and screams. I sat       down and took off my right boot, I sighed with relief as I felt freedom on my feet.

 I got out a map and ruffled it to get a clearer view, "It's a twenty-minute walk from here to the city." I whispered as I calculated the time I could consume travelling. 

 When suddenly 


 I noticed something move from across the street. I wore back my boot and grabbed the bow from my bag. I had my bow loaded with one of my arrows and gripped the it's tip I moved closer.

 Trying not to make any noise, I waited and observed the old abandoned house where I thought I heard a sound a minute ago. It was hard to see since the streetlights were out and it was getting a bit dark.

Looking closely, I caught something moved from my peripherals. It kept on moving and moving until     I heard a purr.

I sighed a relief as I made out a stray cat. You're being paranoid again Allie I thought. 

Dark nimbus clouds started to roll as it got darker. The thunder roared with might then it started to pour.

I walked back towards the shed. . .


A hand grabbed me from behind. I knew there was something unusual about those footprints I saw leading to the house. His strong grip made my body numb, it was an inhuman! I grabbed his hands that felt stiff and knocked him over.

 Looking at him, I saw what my father looked like! He had a very pale complexion and a very dark gray skin. His mouth had dried blood all over it.

Anger flooded my mind as I learned he was one of them, the inhumans. I held out my Swiss knife as the zombie tried to get up. I left the scene as brown viscous matter oozed out from where my Swiss knife landed on his head. I still wanted to stay and just stab him all day but then, there might be more of them here so I must keep on moving.

Walking down a few more blocks, I checked my watch and it flashed a 10:45, looks like I needed a place to crash for the night.

Eventually, I made it further away from our house as I looked back what was left of our streets. 

I chose to head to the city to know better of our situation here. I needed some answers to my questions and I believe I would find it there.

Being strong is what I needed now, especially when my goal is to find answers for my father. I also thought of my strategy in this battle against humanity versus Them. “Kill or be killed” that’s all there is to it.

Thesre are some theories I observed about the behavior of the inhumans. They're  only responsive to sound; they’re completely blind but have a heightened ability of hearing and they can only be killed through their heads, maybe because reanimation only affects the brain, I don't know for sure yet but I will confirm this once I reach the city.

 I came across a gun shop on my way so I decided to spend the night here since it was getting pretty late and the place looked empty. The front door was locked but luckily I knew how to pick a lock, learned it when I was in 8th grade from Ethan Hills, a total locksmith. I wondered where he was now, hope he's doing better than me.

 I grabbed a hairpin and inserted it in the lock, made a few turns and it opened. I turned the knob of the glass door that had a sign that read "Guns Galore" hanging from inside. The glass door was pretty sturdy but I didn't trust it so I spotted the wooden chair and pushed it against the door.

Turning around my back, I found that the store was loaded; I mean really loaded. Guns and ammos were placed on glass shelves. Certain models of shotguns and handguns were placed carefully on boxes inside the cupboards; I was excited to try one, maybe because I never really tried to shoot with guns before.

I looked around to also find a gear closet with clothes there. It was really suspicious though as it seemed a bit too open for public when good stuff are inside, but it seemed like I was the only one there as I search the fitting rooms.


I was wrong. . .

so wrong. . .


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