Path Of Honor

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Briar's POV

I was with my snowfury, Storm Cloud, on a cliff far from the Edge when Miranda flew down to me on her blue and red deadly nadder, Jule. She ran to me with a alert expression kn her face, I sighed thinking that the cousins did something to the base at Dragons Edge.

"Briar, it's Jagged. He's going on a rampage and destroying everything in sight back at the Edge plus we can't find Snotlout Jr." She said, I groaned and shook my head. Of course, my cousin can't control his monstrous nightmare like his dad.

"Okay, you find Snotlout and I need to talk to my parents about something. I'll meet you at the Edge!" I said and jumped on Storm Cloud then flew back to Berk as Miranda flew in the opposite direction. Once I got to Berk I saw my mom walking with Uncle Jack, I landed in front of them and everyone surrounded me, I smiled and made my way through the crowd. Being son of Berk's hero is not so exciting when you think about it, sure my dad did save Berk from the dragons by training them, when uncle Dager tried to kill him, when Viggo tried to destory Berk with his Shellfire dragon, and when Drago took over all the dragons and dad saved them with Toothless.

Peace with the dragons have made Berk more fun, I wouldn't want my life to be any different but I always wanted to meet my grandfather, Stoick The Vast. He sacrificed his life to save my dad's life, without him, ha I would've never been born and my dad would have never met my mother. Her named is Elsa, Queen of Arendelle also the Snow Queen, she is a cool mom haha literally, Uncle Jack is pretty cool too but I don't normally see him because he is my dad's right hand, I don't normally see my dad. He is normally all over the village to make sure everything is in place and that everyone is happy, anyway I hugged my mom when I got to her and she hugged back as everyone walked away from us. I sighed in frustration because of the stress the Edge is putting on me and of being surrounded by fans of my dad, just everything revolves around my dad and no one notices what I do.

"Hey Honey, are you okay? You seemed stressed." Mom said and put her cold hand on my forehead, I sighed and then turned to Jack who was smiling at me.

"That's because I am stressed, life on the edge is harder than it looks. Anyway, have you seen dad I need some leader ship advise." I said and my mom turned to the great hall the sighed.

"He's in a important meeting with the other, it has been a while since he had seen you Berk though. So, you might just get lucky. Have fun, love you." Mom said then kissed my head and walked off with Jack. I walked up to the great hall and as I opened the door a bottle almost hit my head, I yelped and fell back but to my luck, Storm Cloud was there to catch me.

Everyone turned to me and I saw my dad at the front, he smiled at me and singled me to join him. I walked over to him and I passed Snotlout, Astrid, Heather and Fishlegs while Merida, Eret, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut sat across from them. I joined my dads side as he put his hand on my shoulder then turned his attention back to his council members.

"Okay, back to our discussion, Hiccup. You need to tell the twins the stop they're pranking on the merchants if they keep on driving out the merchants and we won't have any food, less water. Winter is just around the corner and we have a whole village to feed so you need to tell the twins to stop pranking." Astrid said and dad sighed then turned to the twins as they played innocent, just like their kids.

"Hiccup, I think Astrid has a point. I mean if you can't find your village for the winter then your village might starve. You need to tell the twins to settle down on the pranking for a while. Just until we gathered enough food for winter." Aunt Heather said and dad nodded then smiled at me.

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