seventeen | real life

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IT DEFINITELY WASN'T THE FIRST TIME Brooklyn was hanging out with Connor, though it felt like it as she stood in front of his door, her stomach doing flip flops.

Brooklyn was sure she made it clear enough that she liked Connor, though knowing this was the night she was actually going to tell him, and try to take things one step further, made her feel uneasy.

Despite her stomachs protests, she knocked on the door, taking a deep breath as she waited for him to answer.

The door swung open which revealed Connor in Adidas track pants and a Maple Leafs hoodie. His hair was a disheveled ginger mess and his eyes were sleepy but bright and full of energy as he looked at Brooklyn.

"Hey," she said shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Connor smiled hugely as he pulled the door back, allowing her to step inside, "hey cutie."

It was already pretty late when Brooklyn came over, but as the night went on and on, they found themselves growing tired, and then wide awake again as they refused sleep. Around one o'clock in the morning, they found themselves sitting on Connor's bed, Connor laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling with Brooklyn sitting cross legged beside him.

They were both out of breath from laughing so hard, finding almost anything funny at this time of night. As silence began to hang in the air, Brooklyn decided it was a good time to admit her feelings. To talk about where their relationship was headed.

"Hey Brownieee," Brook started doubtfully, playing with his bed sheets.

Connor sat up, "yesss?"

Taking a deep breath, all she wanted to do was get this over with. "I-I like you."

Connor seemed confused at first, though his expression softened and he smiled. "Well I'm pretty sure you already know this, but I like you too." He scooted closer to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders awkwardly, to get her to relax.

Brooklyn craned her neck to look up at Connor, a smile made its way to her face as she looked at him. She could see how happy he was, which made her heart swell.

Connor was breathing heavily as he peered into Brooklyn's beautiful eyes. Inching forward, he longed to feel her lips on his. Brooklyn, who's breath hitched in her throat, leaned in as well.

Their lips brushed against each other, then fully met and escalated from there. Realizing what was happening made a shiver go down Brooklyn's spine as Connor pulled her closer.

Instead of relaxing, the dark haired girl was tense, though she kept kissing him, because thats what she wanted. It was like her brain was telling her to keep kissing Connor, but her body was not in the mood.

Brooklyn's stomach was filled with butterflies, all trying to look for an exit. Her body was tense and shivering, yet her mind was so caught up in the moment and she loved the feeling of Connor so close to her. His lips were so soft, and the kiss was so gentle and loving, yet aggressive with a certain need and desire.

Brooklyn couldn't help but think of the way her body felt, however. Her mind and body were telling her two different things. However, she only listened to one; her head.

[authors note]

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