✎Yoo Kihyun + reaction

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-too late 

The minute you moved in next door, Kihyun fell in love.

Through the months that you had lived there, the both of you had spoken very little to each other.

He'd see you walking off everyday to the little café you worked at in the middle of town. He knew a lot about you. Little things like how you always greeted the postman when he comes by or how if you ever see a pretty flower in your garden, you pick it and place it in a vase on your kitchen window.

He knew all this, except the simplest of information. Your name.

He'd named you flower girl in his head after the first time he saw you pick flowers. Plus he thought you were as delicate as a flower, despite never talking to you.

All his friends made fun of him (mostly Jooheon) for not talking to you.

"Come on Kihyun, she's just a girl. It's no big deal.'

Little did they know that in his head talking to you was one of the most nerve wrecking things he could do. He didn't want to mess up any chance of any sort of relationship with you.

So for a while, Kihyun stayed your unknown neighbour, looking at you through his windows. He felt like he knew you like a best friend would with the amount he observed. However he knew he'd come across as a freak if you knew that.

After ages of waiting, Kihyun finally got sick of it. He wanted to talk to you or at least know your name.

He'd been so nervous that he had planned his outfit just to go and introduce himself to you. He knew it would be awkward, considering you had been living next to him for about three months.

He nervously walked up to your front door and knocked. His palms started to sweat as the seconds counted down.

His mind went into overload when there wasn't an answer. 'Is she not in? Have I annoyed her? Is she avoiding me? What did i-?'

"Hello?" you said quietly as you opened the door to a boy with peachy pink coloured hair. "Oh you're from next door right?"

'Holy- she knows who I am!?'

"Um? Hello?"

"o-oh um," He stuttered as he broke free from his trance, "I-I'm Kihyun, I live next door." He blushed bright red as you started to laugh slightly, "b-but you know that of course.' Damn it, get yourself together Kihyun. 'I just wanted to say hi." He brought forward a bunch of flowers wrapped in a ribbon in a similar colour to his hair.

You thanked him as you took them and smiled, "You finally say hi after three months?"

"i-ive been busy." He stuttered, rubbing his neck awkwardly. Liar

You smiled softly at him, you could see that his was unreasonably nervous, "Well Kihyun, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

Y/N- finally.

He couldn't help but notice how soft your skin was as he took your hand in his in a handshake. He also couldn't help but stare at you either.

You cleared your throat in awkwardness, "Well, I'm a little busy at the moment, but I hope we can talk some more?"

He left you that day feeling joyous that he had finally spoken to you. He replayed your voice in his head, smiling as he remember your soft, sympathetic smile at his flustered expressions.

You both spoke to each other more and  more, finally becoming comfortable with each other. Kihyum was more than happy. He felt the world could end now and he'd die a happy human.

However happy he was, he still wanted it to be more. He'd slowly been gathering the courage to ask you out on a date. Not a big expensive 'im-going-to-show-you-all-the-money-i-have' date, a nice casual one that hopefully you'd enjoy.

As he was looking in the mirror to hype himself up, his attention was drawn to something outside through his window.

You- and another man.

Kihyun couldn't explain the pain he felt in words nor actions. He was frozen. Numb to the core.

He just stared as he saw your lips touched the other man's cheek, before you retreated into your house with a giddy smile like a child.

"I was too late," Kihyun muttered as he now stared at the empty street below him.

He'd lost you before he ever had you

He'd lost you before he ever had you

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