In A Time Of Need

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Life can be hard at times. People should know, but most people are lucky and have a care free life. They don't have tl worry about getting pushed around, made fun of, abused, or verbally abused. They get praised. I can't remember the last time I was praised as I have seen others been. I simply sighed remembering the good times when I was younger and things were different. My parents would always praise my work, even if I knew it was terrible. They still did it to make me feel better, but now they only say things to make me feel like shit. My thoughts of the past were soon out of my head once someone nudged my shoulder. I looked up from an old picture of me when I was five or younger. I'm not really sure. "Yes?" "Oh, sorry to disturb you miss, but the cáfe is now closing." I looked around to realize that I had been here all day just looking at a picture. I was the only one in the cáfe left. "Oh, right. Thank you." I smiled and stood up. I grabbed my bag from the floor and walked down the isolated sidewalk. Being the only one out at this time was kind of creepy once you thought about it. I was to busy looking at my phone whilst walking when I stepped on a piece of paper. I bent down and picked it up, only to see something about auditions for a group. "Auditions?" I continued to walk looking down at the paper. "Julie? Is that you?" I raised my head to see the two boys I had met yesterday. "Jimin and Jungkook, right?" I said as they ran over, dragging along someone I hadn't met before. "Correct. Wow, you only met us yesterday and you already know which is which." I laughed some. "Uhm....did you dye your hair?" I said as I softly touched the now blondish- gold strands of Jimin's hair. "Uh, actually yes." He laughed. "Jungkook did also." He said and pointed over to Jungkook. "Really? Well it doesn't seem like your hair has changed. You don't take chances do you?" "Yah! I do to take chances." He pouted. "Okay Jungkookie." "Jungkookie? What's my nickname then?" I looked over at Jimin and smiled. "Yours? Hm....I don't know. I think Mochi fits you real well." He triumphantly stood up straight and puffed his shirt out some. "I mean I am like a mochi." "Hey....don't you two think it's rude to not introduce me to your friend." They both looked at the person behind them. "Oh right, Julie this is out hyung Min Yoongi, or Suga as most people call him." He nodded in acknowledgement. I nodded back. "It's nice to meet you Suga. I'm Julie." "Hyung this is the girl we told you about. The one that kind of caught us tresspassing." He looked me up and down a bit. "Really? So this is the girl our maknae line has been non-stop talking about?" Both the younger nervously rubbed the back of their necks, as I blushed lightly realizing what had just been said. 'They talk about me?' "Well was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again soon, but I must get these two back before our hyung gets mad for us being out in public." "Ah, okay. Nice to meet you." I smiled and he slightly did. "Also...if you plan on auditioning just contact me and I'll talk to the manager about you." He said as he handed me a paper with his number on it. "Oh....thank you." "Well...come young ones. You know how Jin gets." They smiled and waved goodbye as we all headed our own ways.

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