Good Day

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Yesterday was strange. Today, might just be a lot stranger. This morning was the day I head to school, but my plans were changed once I recieved a message from I believe was the boys' hyung Suga. He wanted me to come to the company they supposedly worked at. Which is why I was currently running through the rain to reach the building which was just ahead. I quickly ran into the building only to be met by a petite young woman. "Hello, are you Miss Umfress?" I nodded my head. She stretched her hand out which was holding a piece of paper. "The room number is the first dance room. They should all be there." They all? "Uhm, okay, thank you miss!" I said as I ran towards the elevators to hear a distant you're welcome. As I entered the elevator someone stepped through the door way right before it closed. He had a strange posture. As if he were worrying about something. "Excuse me sir, are you alright?" I asked as I cautiously stepped closer to him. "Hm? Oh yes I'm fine. Just sort of worried that I will get scolded for this brilliant idea I have about pur famous boy group. They always seem to mention a girl, so I'm going to see if the CEO likes the idea I have for this." "Oh...well I hope everything goes well and you don't get scolded." The elevator dinged for him to get off. Right before I seen him run off around the corner I yelled a comforting "Hwaiting". It wasn't soon after my stop had come and I got off. I looked down at the room number and walked forward. I stopped at a black door that had the same number on it. I knocked, but once no one opened it, I slowly opened it and stepped inside only to be greeted by seven boys practicing what seemed like a dance routine, but they were mainly playfully pushing each other around. I recognized four of them: Jungkook, Jimin, Suga, and V. One of the others stopped to catch his breath and looked up, finally noticing I was in the room. He just stayed there and looked at me. I guess Jimin noticed, because when he realized what the other was looking at he squealed. "Julie! What are you doing here?" He said as he ran up and hugged me. "Aish...Jimin you're sweaty and your hyung contacted me and told me to come here." Suga soon walked over. "I was wondering when you were going to get here. It took you long enough. So are you still up for doing an audition?" I looked up at him. "No...I ran all the way through the rain for nothing. Of course I'm still up for auditioning." He looked down at me and I couldn't tell if he was impressed that I did have sarcasm or upset that I dare use it on him. "Ooh hyung, I hint some sarcasm." I looked over at Jungkook. "Come on little one....if you want to audition I need to see how you are at singing or rapping. Hopefully you're good at dancing." I rolled my eyes. "There's another reason we moved to Korea besides my parents being their bosses favorites. I have a dance major and technically today was supposed to be the first day I go to the performing arts college." "Hyung! You took her away from her education for an audition!" Suga looked at the others than back at me. "I'll contact the principal later and tell him why you didn't go on the first day of school. I will also speak to your pare-" "No need. I'll tell them." I cut him off getting a few looks. "My parents don't take to kindly to strangers." Lies. They loved meeting new people as long as the new people didn't know about me. "Well....don't you want to hear me sing?" "Hm....alright. Go ahead." (Listen to cover above😊) As each moment passed the seven watched, whilst Jungkook and Jimin were whispering to one of the others. Most likely another one of their hyungs. As I finished singing I waited patiently for an insult of some sort, since that is all I recieved at home. This time it was different. I heard applause. I looked up and seen all seven clapping, after they had finished I heard someone still clapping. All eight of us looked over to the new found clapper. "Well done. You must be Julie." I nodded. "The youngest ones have spoken highly of you and to top it off you got the famous Min Yoongi to tell me about you wanting to be an idol and telling me to hold an audition for you." I looked at the four. "Don't be surprised young one. It seems you have the talent for it. So why not? There's no need for an audition." All of a sudden the room door opened and the same person from the elevator ran in dropping a bit of his paperwork. "Hyun-ki, why the sudden entrance?" "There you are sir, I'd like to talk to you about an idea I have for the audition." He chuckled some. "Hyun-ki slow down. I'd like you to meet the infamous Julie." He motioned over to me as Hyun-ki walked over. "I don't think we formally introduced ourselves earlier." He smiled and held out his hand. I smiled as well and shook his hand. "Ah, it's fine sir." "Please call me Hyun-ki." "Alright, Hyun-ki." The other man in the room cleared his throat. "Hyun-ki what plan is it you wanted to tell me?" "Oh right, what do you think about adding an eighth member to Bangtan?" Everyone looked at Hyun-ki confused. Well everyone except for his boss. "That does seem like a good idea." "PD-nim...are you saying what I think you're saying?" PD-nim nodded. "Julie....welcome to Bangtan." "W-what?"

A/N: Well well are my little readers doing? I hope you're enjoying the story so far ^^
Also, author-nim apologizes for any spelling mistakes. I was to lazy to proof read lol 😂

Imma just leave this here my lovelies~♡

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Imma just leave this here my lovelies~♡

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