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"Why are you doing this right now?" you asked your fiancé.
"Because im scared," he responded.
You just looked at him and let out a big sigh, your soul mate and best friend had just told you he was scared of going through the wedding and he had decided to call it off.
"You think im not scared? You think im not terrified to death that if something does happen to us in the near future it was just a waste of time and years?" you responded angrily.
"God Colby!" you yelled while running your hands through your hair.
"You need to stop being so selfish, and think about me too."
"i do think about you, it's just i thought this would be a lot easier to do."
"Well it isn't and i just wasted 7 years with you, if your really going through with this."
"Im sorry," Colby says as he is walking away.
You just stand there dumbfounded not knowing what to do, in shock.

You decided not too question it anymore and drove to airport where you decided to go to your grandmas home in Texas. 2 weeks had passes And Colby hasn't uploaded any videos or anything on social media since the breakup. Everyone is questioning it.

It'll be fine, you'll be fine you keep telling yourself. As you start falling asleep on your grandmas lap as how you used to when you were little you get a phone call.

"Edith, can you come right now to California, he is in a bad shape, he needs you." Elton answered.
"I can't, he is the one who did this."
"Please, you don't understand how much he is hurting right now."
There was a loud crash in the background.
"SHIT COLBY! Corey call 911 now!! Please come I'll pay for your plane ticket you just need to get down here now!" he hangs up the phone.

You looked at your grandma dumb founded.
"How much of that were you listening?"
"Everything, look relationships aren't a walk on the beach. Both of you have to learn and grow together. Communication is key to everything. Go. If things don't work out you know where i will be."
You hug your grandma.
"Thank you, i'll call you once i land. I love you."
"I love you more."

You landed in California and drove straight to the mansion. The garage door was open and no one was in there. You walked more inside and no one was around. "Hello?" you hear footsteps walking down the stairs. "Who is it?" Colby was looking down and as soon as he saw you he froze.

"What are you doing here?"
"Well Elton called me and said you needed me but you look fine so i will just be on my way." you say as you start walking out toward the garage once again.

'I'm sorry! " Colby yelled. You froze in your steps and turned to face him. Tears in your eyes beginning to form.
"No, you wanted this, i gave it to you. I gave you all of me, you were my first. You were my everything." you saud looking down at your feet.
Colby started walking towards you but you didn't notice.
"I love you (y/n)." he said lifting your head up. "Im such an idiot for doing what i did. You never deserved that. You deserve no pain at all. If anything you deserve a lot more than me. I'm so sorry for being so selfish. I don't know what i was thinking."
"I don't know Colby." you say looking at his eyes that are now watering.
"I will make it up to you i promise."
"Okay, i believe you."
He leaned in to kiss you and as you stood on your tip toes to kiss him corey comes into the kitchen. 

"Oh hey guys." he says casually walking in and getting the camera and walking back out."

You just look at each other and laugh and then finally kiss.

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