Chapter 8: Guardian Angel

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Copyright 2014 © Rosesareforever

Crossing Paths

Chapter 8

Guardian Angel

Sighing deeply, Sedric fastened his coat as he started to head back in the direction of the mansion. A team of courageous men had helped him search all day for Jade to no avail. She seemed nowhere to be found, disappeared from the surface of the earth. The hope that she would be alright had died faster than a vampire in the sun.

Michael – his brother-in-law – had informed him the chances of finding Jade alive were getting smaller with each passing hour. The fierce storm would make it difficult to get to her in time. The guy told Sedric to keep praying they would find her, but be prepared for a bad outcome.

A bad outcome. He swallowed thickly. He wanted to think of her as he would any person involved in a business deal, but damn it she was more than that. Until that moment he hadn’t realized how deep his feelings for her still ran. It would break his heart if something bad happened to her.

Jade had been his first true love. The first woman he ever encountered he could see himself getting married to. She had been the light in his life, the positive aspect that kept him from getting into trouble. Before he met her, he had been living the life of a true rebel. He went out until early in the morning, slept with more women than he could count (even several in one night), drank excessively and used drugs from time to time.

She changed him into a better person. She made him see life was about so much more than partying. Without ever realizing he was missing something, she was the missing piece. She made him feel complete and content in life. With her by his side, he didn’t feel the need to sleep with numerous of women or drink himself into a stupor day and night.

He had been happy when they were together, truly satisfied with his life. It had been a first and a total eye-opener. She had made him appreciate the small things in life, like sitting in front of the television with the one person you loved most, cuddled at your side. They ran hours in the rain, just enjoying the outdoors and each other’s company. She took him to a stray animal shelter to show him what happened if you didn't take care of your pets. Each and every day, Jade would teach him something new, something valuable about life.

It had been one of the many reasons why he fell in love with her, her kind heart and positive spirit. No matter how many obstacles she faced, Jade would always find something positive or instructive out of a bad situation. She didn’t give up – no, she kept fighting until the final battle. She was fierce and strong, yet sensitive and sweet. It had been such a mind-blowing combination, he had fallen for her before he could count to three.

No matter how hard he tried to fight his feelings, he had been a goner. She had drawn him towards her like a magnet. It had been the most exhilarating, yet scary feeling he ever experienced.

The thought that the one woman he had ever loved was in danger only caused his heart to leap out of his chest. It was hammering against his rib cage at such a fast speed, he was afraid he might have a heart attack. It would tear him apart if she ended up being…he couldn’t even think the words. It was his fault she ran outside in that hazardous weather. The guilt was literally eating away at him. He’d kill himself if she didn’t come away unharmed.

Shaking his head, he quickened his pace. He was only about ten minutes away from the mansion. The pouring rain had decreased, but the fog was still thick in the air. A loud thud suddenly echoed through the woods, making him halt. The noise didn’t sound far away. He quickly started to walk in the direction of the sound, his breath caught in his throat when he noticed a figure lying on the wet, dirty ground.

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