Chapter 18: Turn of Events

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Copyright 2014 © Rosesareforever

Crossing Paths

Chapter 18

'Turn of Events'

Groaning softly, Jade rolled onto her stomach, droplets of sweat coating her too hot skin, and she clutched a hand over her mouth as she made a gagging sound in the back of her throat. Nausea made tears prick behind her eyelids as she desperately tried to refrain from spewing all over her brand new lilac sheets. Swallowing thickly, she jumped from the bed, almost losing balance as she held her queasy stomach and practically ran to the bathroom on shaking legs. She arrived just in time before she collapsed and the first spurts of vomit landed in the toilet bowl. It wasn’t a pretty sight, that’s for sure. 

Dammit! Why did she drink wine last night?

Jade had never been any good at drinking. She was such a lightweight, she’d always gotten sick. It was kind of embarrassing. She didn’t think she’d consumed that much alcohol last night, but apparently it had been enough to make her ill. Great.

After emptying the entire content of her stomach, Jade patted her face with a wet washcloth and brushed her teeth to get rid of the awful taste in her mouth. Yuck. She was disgusted with herself. She would’ve puked all over the bedroom if she hadn’t made it to the bathroom in time.

Exhausted, she crawled back into bed and closed her eyes. Thank god she didn’t have to work today. She wouldn’t have survived the day. Curling into a ball, Jade relaxed and slowly drifted back to sleep.


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Jade knew she should try to wake up and answer her vibrating phone, but her tired body refused to cooperate.


A hand softly pressed against her clammy forehead before a loud curse echoed through the room. Jade shifted in her sleep, her mind still foggy as she slowly returned to the land of the living. “Dammit, Jayjay, I was worried sick when you didn’t show up during lunch and refused to answer my calls,” Stephanie sighed.

The voice of her best friend seemed to speed up Jade’s waking process. Her eyes flew open and she gasped loudly, startled when she found Stephanie sitting next to her on the bed. “What are you doing here?” she asked confused, still half asleep, her heart racing from the surprise of seeing her friend.

“You didn’t show up for lunch and I got worried. It’s not like you to miss appointments. When you didn’t pick up your phone, I drove to your place and unlocked the door with the spare key you keep hidden behind the fire extinguisher in the hallway.”

“You know where I keep my spare key?” Jade repeated, dumbfounded.

“Duh. I’m your best friend. It’s my duty to know these things.” Stephanie gave her an intent look before getting of the bed and handing Jade the glass of water that was sitting on the bedside table.

Grateful, Jade accepted the drink and quickly took a few gulps. “I’m sorry I missed lunch.” She truly didn’t mean to cancel her plans with Stephanie. After being sick that morning, she probably fell back asleep and didn’t wake up due to exhaustion.

“It’s okay. I can see you didn’t feel well. You just worried me. I’m glad everything’s okay. Do you want me to make some chicken noodle soup? I know a damn good recipe.” The horror stricken look across Jade’s face made Stephanie frown. “I’m not that bad of a cook, you know.”

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