Chapter 8: Lucio

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Overwatch Museum was shut down until further notice. That was what the reporter on the tour bus' TV said. Lucio Correia dos Santos was slightly disappointed as he had looked forward to visiting the museum before his live concert here in Numbani. Apparently there was a brawl and thirty OR15 omnics were killed in it. His tour agent wanted to cancel for security reason but Lucio would not have that.

Lucio was not just any musician and EDM track composer. He pride himself as the bringer of light during the difficult times. Spreading positive love with music to those who need it most. Back in Rio de Janeiro, when his people were poor and life was difficult after the Omnic Crisis, Lucio made music for whoever wished to hear. Hoping his soundtrack could help them escape their worries even if it was just for a moment. After what happened at the museum and the spreading distrust the citizens have over their defender omnics, Numbani needed his music.

The news changed from a local girl defending the OR15 to an interview with Sanjay Koppal of Vishkar Corporation. They were still talking on the uprising in Rio de Janeiro even though that happened months ago. Sanjay in the news was disappointed by the people's reaction towards Vishkar's good intention to rebuild Rio de Janeiro. He apologized that they do not understand the true mission of Vishkar but believed that Rio de Janeiro would thrive by themselves as Vishkar had brought them together. Sanjay continued by saying that he hoped people of the world would not weigh too much on Vishkar's failure in their overall successful resume and that the world would not view Rio de Janeiro with a negative light as they were only doing what they thought was right – even if it was unconventional and medieval.

Lucio would had spat on screen if his tour mates were not around. It was revolting to see Vishkar acting all noble and fair. It reminded Lucio of the times when Vishkar had secured the contract to develop his homeland. Vishkar's architect, Satya Vaswani promised a bright advanced future using hard light for rapid and efficient construction. Lucio do not deny that it made Rio de Janeiro more technological advance but at the cost of their freedom. Vishkar imposed curfews, exploiting his people for cheap labor and punished whatever they considered as "lawless behaviours". Anything that plagues the "order and harmony" was deemed illegal – including gathering to listen to Lucio's music.

Lucio was the one who spearheaded the rebellion against Vishkar. He stole their sonic technology, added some musical technology and converted it into a tool to rally his people in an action against Vishkar. It worked and it drove Vishkar away. Lucio became a local hero. Reporters were in his face. Some would pat his back in their news while there were those who sided Vishkar. One positive note he got from the whole Vishkar ordeal was that he became an international musician and was now on a tour to promote his music and album.

Lucio's tour manager specifically instructed him to stay in his room but Lucio had always been a rebel. It was a clear cool night and the city was bustling with nightlife, there was no way Lucio would be contempt to stay put in some fancy hotel. So as soon as he checked in, he slipped on his rollerblades and snuck out though the window. With no hesitation, he slid down the building and landed safely after some fancy tricks and twirls.

He spent an hour cruising the streets, chowing down on local food, crashing some party and taking picture with a couple of fans that recognized him. Carefree and fun-loving – that was how he rolls but being a former rebellion leader, instinctual and always on the alert were also traits he possessed. So even when he was having a jolly good time dancing with some kids and omnics, he was well aware he was being followed. Until he could tell who they were and how many were there, his plan was to stay out in public.

But after the hour, it seemed like his pursuer's patience thinned. Two brown skinned man in black leather jackets and sunglasses walked across the street to him. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the men wearing sunglasses at night was up to no good. Not wanting to get any innocents involved, he skated through an alley, hopefully to lose the men but just as he turned to a corner, laser beams fired from Sentry Turrets set on both sides. This was a trap. The Sentry Turrets weighed him down and he spotted Vishkar's architect, Satya approached him just before he blacked out.

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