Shatter You: Draco Dracula

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Authors note: Harry potter ofcourse belongs to the exquisite J.K Rowling. I am aware that I haven't updated in DECADES but I made this extra long just for you lovelies. Hopefully, I'll update again soon and you guys wont be able to kill me. Also, has anyone watched divergent? ITS WICKED! 


Hermione wanted to avada kevadra herself. God she was mortified, she wanted the floor to swallow her up. She was lost; she had no idea what to do. There in front of her, Draco Malfoy stood in all his glory, standing with a towel around his waist. Damn, she couldn’t help but stare completely forgetting it was her arch nemesis she was ogling at.

“Take a picture, Granger it’ll last longer” Draco snarled finally bringing Hermione out of her bubble.

She shrieked covering her eyes with her hand.

“For merlin’s sake Malfoy, put some clothes on!” 

“Oh don’t act as if you didn’t enjoy it, Granger” Malfoy smirked.

“I didn’t, it was rather terrifying” Hermione lied knowing full on that she was just checking him out a few minutes ago. But she wasn’t going to admit that, he was Malfoy after all no matter how amazing his abs looked like.

“Please, you were eye raping me .I felt violated” He said haughtily.

“EYE RAPING YOU?!?!?!?” she shrieked all flustered, her cheeks starting to resemble the colour of beetroot.

“Yes, it was rather a traumatizing experience” He said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“It was your fault to begin with, Haven’t you heard what a shirt is?”  She exclaimed getting even more flustered.

“I actually know what a shirt is, but I prefer not wearing one if I get to see you this flustered.” he said smugly.

“I am not flustered, thank you very much.”  She exclaimed, her cheeks contradicting what she said.

“Well as much fun as it is seeing you embarrassed, I have things to do since I actually have a life.” he said going into his room slamming it after him.

Hermione was furious, no she was seething. You could practically see the smoke fuming out of her ears. Harry and Ron, noticing her mood, decided to stay clear of her deciding that they wouldn’t want an angry Hermione on their trail. Oh how they were wrong.

“Why on earth are you two so quiet?” she bellowed making the whole Gryffindor table slightly shrink away from her.

“Umm  ...ehh” harry stammered.

“RON, haven’t I told you not to speak while you’re eating” Hermione shouted.

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