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Let Jesus be with you

Authors | pov

Jungkooks fantasies were all coming true, he had to blink to understand if what's happening really true. He was in the church, with Jimin, about the fuck.

He slid down Jimins pants hurriedly so they could start. Jungkook admired his body once more, appreciating all its features. Jimin meanwhile was looking up to see Jesus staring right at him.

This was super awkward, something so holy was about to witness such a sin. Jimin tried to find a place to look, but everywhere he turned was the lord.

Jungkook grabbed a cloth to cover Jimins eyes.

"What's this cloth for again?" Jungkook asked.

"It's for-hey what are you doing?"Jimin asked while Jungkook tied the cloth around Jimins eyes.

"I'm not sure your dirty enough to witness it, plus you shouldn't be looking at Jesus while we do this," Jungkook said tightening the cloth.

Jimin heard Jungkook take off his clothes, Jimin was just waiting for the ad normal pain.

Felt fingers near his mouth,"suck." Jungkook said.


"So you want to do this rough?"Jungkook asked.

"What does that mean?"

"You should really watch porn,"

"I do- I mean no, that's not holy," Jimin said correcting hisself.

"So you do, what gets you off?" Jungkook asked.

"What sort of question is that?" Jimin said scrunching up his face.

"Stop trying to be holy, mr.park, what are your kinks?"

Jimin had kinks alright, a lot. But who was he to tell Jungkook.

"Ok we'll try bdsm, ok?"

Jimin remained silent.

"Answer me,"Jungkook said slapping Jimins ass.


Jungkook looked on the table for some "toys". He found a cross, maybe it would come in play. He looked at the bible pages, another idea. Then there was the holy water, he gave the dirtiest smirk.

"Ok, I'm sure you like sex toys so I'm going to shove this cross up your ass,"
(Omg, omg, omg I'm sorry I'm sorry I sorry,)

"Wait, WHAT-wait n- aAaAhhHhhh," the cross was shoved in.

"Is it painful, by the way I made sure I didn't put Jesus headfirst in there,"Jungkook chuckled.

Jimin was so uncomfortable, why the hell did he agree to this. Jungkook started moving it trying to find his prostrate. Jimin made the strangest of noises that did not sound normal.

"Are you ok mr.park?"


"I'm gunna take that as a yes," Jungkook said, Jimin soon started making softer noises.

Jungkook finally found the prostate, success! He then pulled out the cross and tossed it away.

He opened some of the drawers in the table to find some unlabeled oil, he shrugged. He wasn't though just going to make this simple.

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