Chapter 9: Portal between worlds

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Throughout the moving process, it hasn't really been that rough lately. We still need to find those other damn crystals. I'm wondering "Girl, how can you really be sneaky so that I won't get caught next time?" Maybe use my puppy eyes. Nah, that never works. Not that I have puppy eyes. Zayn's house is all I can imagine since I've started off, living in a small area.

The house is just so freaking big that it just feels like a palace for you. My room finally has more space then my last bedroom. By the way, Kitara and Allison have taken everything easy from all this. Their room is in a secert guest room downstairs where no one often goes to. 'Better for them to stay hidden until we defeat Zora.

"Kira?" Said Mom.
"Yeah mom?"
"How's your room?"
"It's fine."
"Really? Because I could change the paint around here to make it more stunning--"
"The paint's perfect. Nothing is necessary at this point." I said.
"I've spoken with your therapist to schedule the days she'll see you."
"Great. Another time to boss me around." I mumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That it's great. Nothing else."
"Have you been using your journal that your therapist gave you?"
"Yeah yeah. It's great, mom. I want to be alone now." I said before my mom finally left.

Ugh. It's just been so crazy dealing with finding the crystals, trying to not get grounded, keeping Kitara and Allison a secret, you know?

All the sudden, Allison comes out of nowhere to see if it's safe enough to come in my room.

"Allison, what are you doing?"
"I don't want to stay in the guest room."
"But why? There's some toys in there, you're with your sister, the air's fresh, and it keeps you safe from my mom."
"Including Zora?"
"Yes. Including Zora."
"I want to go home to see what it's like in Laurenix again."
"I know. We're going to get you back. I just know it."
"Can I stay with you?"
"Why? Wasn't Kitara with you?"
"No. She just left."
"She said that she'll look around the tree we were trapped in."
"How can Kitara leave just like that? She doesn't even know how to cross the street!"
"What's a street?"
"I can tell you later. GODDAMN KITARA. Let's go find her."

We had to run faster to find where the heck Kitara went to. The scary thing is about where else could Kitara be going besides the tree? I'm just afraid that my friend's life could be on the line by now.

"Kitara!" I hollered.
"Where are you!" Said Allison. There was still no sign of Kitara. Where was she?

"Where's the crystal? Where's the crystal? Where's the crystal? Where's the crystal?" Said Kitara.
"Hey! Miss! This is private property!"
"Oh sorry."
"Where are your parents? Aren't you supposed to be at home?"
"My mom lives in another dimension."
"Of course she is." Said the officer sarcastically.
"She's finding her way out from an enemy called Zora. Is there any chance that you can help?"
"Absolutely. I'll help you find this Zora."

The officer pulls out his handcuffs from his pocket.
"What are you doing?"
"Stay with me, miss."
"You're arresting me! For what?"
"Get in the car."
"No! Go away!" Kitara punches the officer by her fists.
"Get back here." The officer says as he catches Kitara.
Before she was close to being taken away, we finally found her.

"Hey! Let her go!"
"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to step away."
"Don't hurt her. Please. She's my friend." Allison got frightened, just like I did.
"Please! Let her go!" Allison struggles to run to Kitara as I hold her.

Her reaction over the police was just heartbreaking. My fear over them isn't going to help us get Kitara. We're definitely scared as hell that something just has to stop us. Like, we don't have time for that.

"Someone get her out of my sight! Now!" Said the officer to his partner. We get manhandled by this freaky demon sized cop who probably broke one of my bones that helped my arm funtion.
"No! I just want to go home!" Said Allison.
"Shut up!" Said a cop.

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