Chapter #8

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i'm sorry.'  The end of the letter was ended with an apologize. My tears start to fall,so as Vianna. My father...take vianna with me...? When...? I don't remember when he takes her with him.

"Excuse me, we ended here for today, okay? Me and my husband have to go to a meeting. So,bye!! Enjoy~!" Vianna's aunt said, waving at us and kissed her niece's cheek. So as her husband. And they go through the main door and closed it. We stared at the door for a while and think.

"Hey,there's a small paper was glued behind the letter..! Maybe your aunt and uncle didn't recognize it!" Odd said,taking the paper. "This is....!!" Odd stopped and still staring at the same paper. We take a look and there's another letter from Franz Hopper.

'Her original body is somewhere at sector 5,I failed to send her to the ice sector. I'm sorry. I know you'll know lyoko one day. I've heard you from Vianna. Go search for her,please. (For: Odd)'

We gasp and stare at Odd. He seems confused all of the sudden. His eyes is staring at the paper. But his mind's flying, confused, and thinking deep in thought.

"Hey,Odd. What should we do about this?" Ulrich asked tapping his shoulder,Yumi nodded.

"..Sector 5...isn't it a little bit weird? We've go there so many time. But we didn't see her body,right?" Odd said.

"Yeah,it's weird..." I added.

"Are you sure you never seen her body?" Jeremie asked. We shooked our head.

"Wanna check?" Vianna said suddenly. We gasp.

"Now?" Odd asked.

"I don't know. Whenever you want,I will follow you all." Vianna answered simply.

"Hmm..let's go there tomorrow,okay? Just enjoy today and refresh your mind, Vianna." Jeremie said smiling. I nodded my head.

"He's right. Let's play!!" I said grinning. All of them nodded and we agreed to play hide and seek. Odd's the ghost and he count untill 50. All of us hide in a different place. I hide inside a storehouse. Jeremie hide inside a toilet. Yumi hide inside a cupboard. Ulrich hide above the cupboard where Yumi's hiding in. And Vianna hide beneath a table,I think she's not good at hiding. I just can wait to be caught.


I hide beneath a table in my bedroom. I'm not very good at hiding,though. I think he will caught me first--- ((The door opened.)) ---I knew it!!! He came in to the room and searching for me. He closed the door and I closed my eyes.

"DHARRRR!!!!" He scared me.

"AAAHHH!!!!" I scream,scared. He laughed at me. "Heyy!! That's not fair!!"I huffed.

"Why,little princess?" He teased me and pull me out from the place I hide.

"Errhh...Nothing,though." I said,my face reddened and he laugh.

"You're the ghost now,m'lady." He said, kissing my hand.

"Wha-what're you doing?!" I gasp,my face become redden and redden.

"Nope,I just wanna said that you're the ghost now,and I'll wait at the living room." He smirked and exited the room.

".....what're you think you're doing...?!" I muttered and closed my face with both of my palms.


After the hide and seek game ended, it's 4.00 pm and we start to feel a little hungry. I cooked a lot of spaghetti for our dinner. My aunt send a message for me and they're not going home tonight. So we eat our dinner together and after that, take a bath(of course one by one --") and go to my bedroom. They're going to sleep with me tonight. I'm sitting on my bed with Aelita and Yumi. The boys are going to sleep on the floor.

"Will you join us to find your original body tomorrow?" Jeremie asked me.

"Sure,why not?" I said ,confused.

"Nope,I just want to asked just now." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Hmmm...where are we going to search tomorrow? Where's your original body? There's no place to search anymore at sector 5..." Aelita said worried.

"We will find it no matter what." Odd added. "Because I can't wait much longer to see you." He said to me.

"Hey,I'm here,you know?" I said smile a little.

"No,you're just a clone. I really miss you, but not with this body..." He said staring at his feet.

"Hey,you're so mean,Odd!!!" Yumi shouted.

"Stop Yumi...he's right,I'm not me. This body's just a clone..I wonder how long I've used this body.." I said, I'm not upset because he said that. Because I know he's right. And I believe him that I'll meet them again when I'm in my real body. I believe them...

"'re really tough,don't you?" Ulrich said sighing,and then smiled.

"Sure! Who do you think I am?" I said and they laughed. I smiled and we started to sleep.

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