Prim's Story - Chapter 5

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During the days that followed, I went to school and tried to carry on as I normally would. But I wasn't the same. I wasn't happy. I barely spoke to anyone.
No one was mad at me though. People knew why I was acting this way. They would have been the same way if someone in their family was now a tribute.
The next time that I actually saw Katniss was when she arrived with that boy, Peeta, in the Capitol.
Peeta had been smiling and waving to Capitol citizens, but Katniss had looked shy and had barely smiled. I wondered if she was missing me as much as I was missing her.
People also came by throughout the day with little bits of food, to pay respects for Katniss going to the Games.
The gifts were very small, a few apples, a small bit of cheese, because that was all that could be spared. Here in District 12, getting selected for the Hunger Games was practically like dying already, unlike in Districts 1 and 2 where getting selected was an honor.
Only once had District 12 ever had a victor. I knew that both my mother and I believed that Katniss could win, but in everyone else's minds, the odds were very slim.

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