Prim's Story - Chapter 18

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When the pack found the tributes they were led to the Cornucopia. They climbed onto the top, but the tribute from District 2 attacked Peeta.
Katniss shot the boy in the hand, causing him to stumble and fall into the pack of mutts.
It was horrible. The mutts were ripping him to pieces.
I knew that Katniss must have been disgusted, but while I could look away or leave the room, she had no where else to go.
The boom of the canon sounded, signaling that the boy was dead.
They had done it.
My sister had survived!
I couldn't help myself. I ran to my mother and hugged her. She had tears in her eyes, but we were both smiling from ear to ear.
Then another announcement came on. I was sure that it was to congratulate the two new victors, but it wasn't. The Gamemakers had done what right now was unthinkable.
They changed the rule back to only one victor.

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