Chapter 1

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Hey guys!!! Sorry it took me so long to do this chapter. I was on a HUUUGE writers block. Anyways,  this is my new fanfic for the Netflix Original Free Rein. I have another fanfic called The Unexpected Riders From France. Go check it out when you have time but for's Chapter 1.

~Paris's POV~

      BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I got the snooze button on my phone to turn off my alarm. I attempt to go back to bed, but my mom yells at me from the other room to get out of bed. I groan and pull my covers back up. My mom walks into my room and yanks my covers off, "Paris Elizabeth Hudson, get out of bed right now. We have to check out of the hotel, so we can get to the new house on time." Mom leaves this half of the room to go bring the bags and boxes to the car.
     Every hotel we go to we have to get the rooms where there's  a door in the room to connect the rooms. Since there's my parents, me, and my five brothers, we always have a difficult time deciding sleeping arrangements. I, being the only daughter, I get my own bed. This is why I enjoy being the only other girl in the family.
     I grab my things and pack them into the van and go to my seat up front. Because of all the the things that we have, we have to take 2 cars. I usually ride with my dad so I can just put in my ear buds and not be bothered, but sometimes I get tortured I have to ride with my mom. My mom hates it when I don't talk in the car. She thinks I'm antisocial, which I am, but that's not the point.
     I can't text my friends because I don't have any. We move around so much and so often that I don't have enough time to do that. All I need is a little more time.
     We get to the airport and mom turns to me and tells me not to worry about the move, but I can't help but think that this is going to be our worst move yet. I keep the bag that holds my books, my laptop, and my chargers. We find our seats and I sit next to my older brother, Steve. Steve knows that I'm not too confident in the move, and he sends me a text,

STEEEEVEEE❤❤- Don't worry sissy, everything is going to be fine. Dad says the veterinary office he's working at is right by a stables and he talked to the owner and she said that if you wanted, you could join their equestrian team. Not trying to push you or anything, but I think that team would help with your...problem. Love you😙😙

     I look up from my phone to see Steve smiling and I shoot him a small smile and text him back.

Paris🗼- Thanks Steve, but I'm just afraid that right as I get comfortable, we're gonna move. Besides, Joker isn't coming with us. I won't ride without him. I know he's at Grandma Jones's house, but still. I'll tell you what, I'll look at the stables and I'll see if I like it. If I like it, I'll do something for you and if I don't, you have to do the same for me. Deal??

     Steve and I always make bets and deals. I think that's why we're so close. I look up from my phone to see him sticking his hand out for a handshake. I give a small chuckle and shake his hand. I take my earbuds of my bag and plug them into my phone and play the playlist I made on Spotify I click shuffle and the first song that comes up is Boys Like You by Anna Clendening. I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, I can enjoy this move or at least make something out of it. 

~Steve's POV~

     I'm worried about Paris. I know moves are hard for her, but this one's different. We've always stayed within the states. I don't know if it's because we're moving across the world, or if it's because she has to start all over again.  She has such bad experiences when we move. One time, she entire English class threw food at her when she walked into her classroom. There was another time when we had just moved to California and she was thrown into a garbage can outside the school.

     She gets tortured no matter where we go.  I just wish that we could go somewhere where Paris wont have problems at school. At least this time we move in the summer, so she can get to know people before school starts. You know what, I'm not gonna put any bad omens on Paris for this move. I can't keep thinking about things that most likely wont happen. I turn off my phone and try to go to sleep. I have a long flight ahead of me and I'm gonna need some energy for when I get off.

~Marcus's POV~

     I have recently been told about a new vet that we're getting out here. I'm not sure how many vets we've gone through this year so far, but it's been a lot. I don't know how we have managed to go through so many, but we have. We just can't seem to keep one long enough for something to actually happen.
     I'm walking around the property because I currently have nothing to do, and I'm bored out of my mind. I've already worked Monty, gone to get food, gone to the cafe, helped out other riders, done my chores, and I have to be out here when the vet gets here, or Sam will have my head. The new vet is bringing his family so they can see the property in case they ever come out here with him. Not gonna to lie, I'm a little worried about a new vet. The last few that we've had, have all been new to the job, or they lied about them being vets so they could steal supplies from us. I don't understand why we can't just have one decent vet to work here. 

     I walk around a while longer until Sam tells me to run into town and pick up some stuff. She hands me a list and sends me off so she can finish getting things ready. At least now I have something to do. 

~Paris's POV~

     I feel a small nudge on my shoulder and I take out one of my earbuds to see what it was. I look up to see Steve and he tells me that we've landed and we're going strait to the new house so we can get to the stables and still have some time left in the day to take a look around. I stand up out of my seat and grab my small bag of electronics and exit the plane to face my new tretorous future. 
     We all exit the plane and leave to grab our belongings. Cole decides to run around, but everyone is so tired from the plane ride that we have limited energy. Pushing past the tiredness of our bodies, we all attempt to calm him down, so we don't get in trouble the minute we get into town.
     After waiting outside the airport for about 20 minutes, a jet black car with Hudson's written on a piece of paper and it's placed on the dash of the car. My dad smiles and sticks his hand out and waves to the man in the car. The driver stops the car in front of us and rolls down the passenger window. "Is this the Hudson family?" He asks. My dad nods and replies with a simple yes sir.
     The driver smiles and opens the trunk and tells us that we can put out or bags in there. We load up our things and the man takes up to our new, most likely temporary, home.


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