Your A Freak!

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When i went inside, i felt strange. There were a few people there, but i went straight to the front. "Um... can you tell me how to get to "Diagon Alley"?" I asked. "Yeah, just go straight to the rear courtyard and tap a brick on the wall counting 3 up and 2 across 3 times." he replied. "Great thanks! And um... do you mind telling me what Muggle means?" i asked him. "A muggle is a non magic being." "Oh. How would I get a muggle inside this shop?" "Just have the muggle hold on to you as you enter" "Ok. Thanks for your help!" i said as I went outside. "Mom, Dad! I don't think that letter was a joke! I think I am a witch!" "Yeah! No kidding! One minute you were facing a empty wall, and the next, POOF! You were gone!" exclaimed my dad. "Just hold on to me, as i enter the shop. Its the only way you can enter." I explained.

So, they grabbed my arm and walked with me as i walked up to the door. "Lily, I don't want to run into a wall!" exclaimed my mother. "Don't worry, just stay holding on." i said. Then i walked into the inn. "Whoa!" screamed my dad. "Where are we?" "We are in the Leaky Cauldron." I told them. "Why couldn't we see it before?" asked my mom. "Because both of you are muggles which means non magic beings" i explained. "So... this is real? You really are a witch?" asked my dad. "I hope so." i said. "So how do we get to Diagon Alley" "Follow me to the rear courtyard." I explained.

Once we got to the rear courtyard, i did exactly as the man told me. "3 up, 2 across. 3 times" i whispered to myself. Once i found the brick, i tapped it. Then this door opened and POOF we were there. "Woah" said my dad, once again. "So this is it? Diagon Alley?" "Yup, this is it. Dragon Alley." I told them.

Once we got all of the things that was needed for my school year, we walked around for awhile. Then, I spotted an owl shop. "Oh, mum dad, can i please get an owl?" I begged. "Lily, an owl would be quite strange to have in a normal house. Wouldn't you like to get a cat instead?" my mom asked. "Can I pleassssseee get an owl?" i begged more. "Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Plea-" "OK. You can get an owl!" yelled my father. "YAYYYYY!!!" I shouted then ran into the store. I looked at all the different types of owls. There were brown owls, snowy owls, and even black owls! I couldn't choose one! But eventually, i chose a light brown owl with a bright yell beak. "What are you gonna name it?" asked my mom. "Umm..." i thought for awhile and then spotted a near by tree that looked like him. "What about Twigs?" I asked, waiting for approval.

"I think thats a lovely name!" said my mother. Once we got home, I just knew what Petunia was going to say. "Oh great! Your home. Don't be sad that you didn't find anyth-" Then she stopped. "Whats all of this?" she asked. "Petunia, your sister is a witch. And we would like for you to not make fun of her for it." said my dad. "Are you serious? My sister.... she's a freak!" That last word hurt me to the bone. "Petunia!" yelled my mom. I just stood there. And stared. "Thats right Lily! Your a freak!" she kept on saying it over and over again. But i couldn't speak back. Deep down, I believed her.

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