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It was August 31 and I was happier than ever before! Tomorrow I would be on a train straight to hogwarts! To learn actual magic! I got everything ready for tomorrow. Nothing could bring my mood down. Not even Petunia. Well... maybe a little. I still was hurt by the things she was saying, but not as much as before. I couldn't wait till tomorrow! My mom saw all of this excitement and then she reminded me, "Don't forget. We still don't know how to get you onto platform 9 and 3/4." "Oh yeah. How do you think we would get there?" I asked my mom. "I hope we fly!" I said all excited. Running into a wall was not one of my theories. But guess what?

When we got to the train station I overheard some people talking. "This way to platform 9 and 3/4!" they said. "Umm... do you mind telling me how to get onto the platform?" i asked them. "Oh of course! This is Severus's time too!" said the woman. "He's right over there" she said, then pointed to him. "Severus! Come over here!" "Hi! Im Lily" I said to him. Right when he started talking, I felt a sort of connection. "H-Hi. I'm Severus." he said. "Alright, Lily. So all you do is run straight through that wall." said Severus's mom. "W-what???" i asked.

"Run straight through that wall. It won't hurt a bit" she continued. "O-ok" I said, a little scared. So i ran straight to the brick wall, expecting to hit it. But as the wall got closer, i felt more and more confident. Then poof! i was there! On the platform! Then right behind me came Severus and his mom. "You guys better get on the train now! Its about to leave. Love you Severus!" she then kissed him, and left.

Me and Severus found our own compartment and sat down across from each other. "So, how long have you've known you've been a wizard?" i asked, trying to start a conversation. "My whole life. Every single person in my family is a wizard. That makes me, a pure blood. How about you?" he asked. "Oh, i just found out 2 months ago. I researched all about the wizarding world, and i think its fascinating! I think i am what they call a "muggle born" " i said. "Ahh. It must be tuff to be one of those." he said. "Y-yeah" i replied, thinking about Petunia. "Is there something wrong?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned. "Its just... my sister, Petunia, doesn't like me being a witch. She hates the fact that theres even one in her own family. She calls me names and all that. Sometimes it really hurts me when she calls me a freak" I said. "Don't worry, she's just jealous. She doesn't understand what its like. She doesn't get you. But don't listen to her. She's not right. Your not a freak. If anyones a freak, its her!" he said that last part in a joking tone. I laughed uncontrollably. It made me happy to have someone who gets me.

We started to talk for awhile more, when there was a tap on the door, "Hi! Can I come in?". There was a tall girl, with light brown hair standing outside our compartment. "Sure!" I said. When she came in, she sat down right next to me. "Hi again! I don't mean to be rude, but the compartment that i was in was full of boys, and i couldn't handle it anymore! Their so weird!" she said. "Hey!!!" said Severus, again in a joking tone. We all started to laugh then she said "Sorry!" still laughing, "By the way, I'm Marlene" she said. "Hi Marlene! Im Lily!" "And I'm Severus." said Severus. "I can't wait till we get to hogwarts!" she said. Then we started to talk about which classes we were most excited about and all that. After awhile some other people came up to our compartment saying, "Marlene! Come back! The boys are getting out of control!" 

A average height boy, with jet black hair looked into our compartment and saw Marlene then said "There you are!" and came inside. "James! I found her!" then he sat down next to Severus. James came up to us and sat down next to the other boy. "Ugh. Dangit Sirius! I was having fun here! Then you came along and ratted me out!" complained Marlene. As she was talking, i noticed that James had been staring at me the whole time. A little frightened, i tried to change the topic, "What house do you guys want to be in?" I asked them. "Ohhh. I want to be in Gryffindor" said James, a little boastful. "Gryffindor! Gryffindor? You have to be kidding!" said Severus laughing. But James didn't laugh. "I bet you would be in hufflepuff! " James teased.

"Whats wrong with that?" i asked. "Oh they're only the worst house in all of hogwarts! So weak!" he continued to make fun of Hufflepuff, which actually kind of annoyed me. "It shouldn't matter what house your in! All of the houses are equally as good!" I protested. "Thats what you think. Just watch! Hufflepuff will loose every single quiditch game this year!" he continued to say. This guy was really pissing me off. i don't even want to be in hufflepuff, but i believe that all the houses are equally as good. Trying to change the subject, Marlene asked, "So, if you don't want to be in Gryffindor, Severus, then what house DO you want to be in?" "I want to be in Slytherin!" he said, quite proudly. "Every single person in my family has been a Slytherin!" he continued. "Slytherin! Slytherin? Thats like the worst house in hogwarts! Right next to Hufflepuff!" That was the last straw. I was about to full out explode on him, when Severus got to it first. "Last time I checked it has won the house cup in the last 7 years!" he said, trying to defend his house. "Oh yeah? Well Gryffindor won like 50 times before that!" "Nope... Im pretty sure it was... guess what? Hufflepuff." they started to have a full out war. "Gryffindor is the best house ever! It has won the most out of all houses, it has won most of the quiditch games out of all of the houses, and its just plain awesome!" James continued to boast.

When Severus had nothing to reply to that, James continued to taunt "Oh have nothing to say? Wel-" Then he was cut off, thankfully, by Marlene. "THATS ENOUGH! James, Serius, Come with me. We are going back to the other compartment. As they left, i still caught James looking at me. You would expect it to be a "death stare", but it was more like a "dreamy stare". I felt quite weirded out. "Sorry about him" I said to Severus. "Don't worry! It wasn't your fault" "But i could've done more!" "Don't beat yourself up about it" he said, kindly. I really like this guy I thought He's sweet, he's kind, and he really cares about me. We started talking for what seemed like five minutes, but was actually almost 2 hours! And before we knew it, it was time to leave the train.

Once we got off the train, this fairly large man named Hagrid, lead us to hogwarts. When we got inside the main hall, we all took a look around. This place was huge! Way bigger than any other school I've been to. Much. Much bigger. "Hello children. We will have you sorted into your houses before you join the rest of the people at dinner. Please wait here as we get ready. Oh, by the way, i am Professor McGonaggle. I am one of the many teachers at hogwarts" she said, then left. "Have you ever been to a school this big?" i asked Severus. "Ive been to pretty big schools before. But none like this." he replied. I saw Marlene and went to talk to her, but then immediately turned tails as i saw she was with James. I just sat down and took it all in. Everything was too real for me right then and there. Thats when James and Marlene came over to me. I tried to look for Severus to try and get away, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. So i just sat there, knowing that whatever was about to come out of James's mouth, would be a load of crap.

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