Capitalists = being cast away

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"Too many mushrooms were used for the mushroom soup. Using a right amount of mushroom soup would enhance the flavours of the pig's liver and intestines, but if too many were used, it would conceal the essence of this dish."

After his comment, Jiang Qian Fan was already ready to stand up.

Lin Ke Song looked at the bowl of barely touched stir fried liver, and had a heart ache to death. Every time she packed a packet of stir fried liver to the gluttonous cats at the dorm room, they couldn't help licking the remnants of the packet. But Jiang Qian Fan only had a single bite, and still had a tone of criticism.

Lin Ke Song did not want Granny Wang to see that was still so much left, so she hurriedly picked up the spoon that Jiang Qian Fan had just used and gobbled down half the bowl in two or three mouthfuls, almost scalding the roof of her mouth.

But Jiang Qian Fan knocked his cane on the surface of the table, and murmured: "Let's go. To the next place."

Lin Ke Song randomly wiped her mouth, and thought to herself even if Granny Wang's stir fried liver doesn't suit your taste, in such a big city, there has to be a dish that will suit your taste ba!

After holding the bicycle steady, Jiang Qian Fan got on it, and Lin Ke Song thought about the next place to go.

Gradually, they came to an alley. The stone paths under the wheels were no longer whole and neat anymore, couldn't help being bumpy.

Lin Ke Song waddled a few times. She thought the Mr Jiang sitting behind her would at least grab onto her or at least hold on to the seat, but to the end, he calmly stayed seated with his arms rested on his thighs.

This made Lin Ke Song feel cheeky.

She purposely made "Ahya ahya" sounds, twisting the bicycle as she rode forward.

But disappointedly, logically, a blind person's sense of balance shouldn't be that good, but Jiang Qian Fan was consistently sitting behind her as steady as Taishan mountain, not a single gasp escaped from him.

"My hearing is very fine, Miss Lin. There are very few people on this road, although the road is not flat but with your capabilities you have the ability to keep your balance."

Jiang Qian Fan's cold voice sounded from the back.

Lin Ke Song's single heart suddenly sank down.

She had only wanted to play a little joke on him, the "tour guide fees" won't be docked right?

"That...... I felt that the atmosphere was a little cold, only wanted to make it livelier......hehe......"

She had done the same thing to Song Yi Ran before, that chap would shamelessly say what "if die, we die together", then the both of them would laugh heartily.

But when the one riding pillion is changed to Jiang Qian Fan, it might turn to her really seeking death.

"The relationship between us is purely employer and employee, there is no need to make the atmosphere livelier."

Jiang Qian Fan's voice was as monotonous as a robot's with no fluctuations, carrying a cool metallic tone.

Lin Ke Song found that she was actually speechless.

While riding the bicycle, she wondered, just what kind of environment did this Mr Jiang live in. Doesn't he even understand this basic code of conduct? Even if it's an employer and employee relationship, she rode the bicycle so zealously with him riding pillion all over the big streets and little alleys, doesn't she even have the right to say a few sentences of jokes?

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