I've Missed You!

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Hey guys so if your reading this then I'm glad to see that you've come back yay!! Anyway I hope you like this chapter!!


  I watch as Spade looks to the ground.Why isn't he answering me? Without even thinking I pick Spade up by his neck.
"Where is she, Spade?" I tighten my grip.
"Natsu stop!" Happy yelled while grabbing my scarf.Whats wrong with me? What did I so that?What am I doing? I quickly let go of the small fox.
"Sp-Spade I-Im sorry... Are you alright?" I ask before picking him up once more.
"Can you tell me if she's alright?" I ask in a softer tone.
"I-I don't know!" Spade says before looking down again.
"What do you mean you don't, know weren't you with her?!"my fists clench tighter.I take another look at the small fox he didn't look so good his fur was covered in mud and sticks, his paws were badly injured. Something inside me snapped. Where was Aaliyah? Why did Spade look like this? Where have they been the last two years.?
"Look how about we get you a bath and something to eat?" I say before picking him up and walk over to the bathroom.

30 minutes later.....

Finally after I was done giving Spade a bath and making food. We walk into the living room. Not once did Spade look at me or talk. For some reason I felt off like he was going to tell me something I didn't want to hear.
"Ok Spade tell us what happened?" I watch as he looks up at me but slowly drops his head back down.He then took a deep breath.
"That day Aaliyah and I had left was like any other mission. A farmer wanted us to catch some bandits that we're stealing his cattle.After we had finished the job Aaliyah didn't want to take the train back due to her motion sickness, so.... We walked." I watched as Spade's eyes started to form small tears.
"But something was different about her, she looked unsure and scared.As we were walking through the forest we felt as if something was watching us.... Then out of nowhere a weird looking creature attacked us! Aaliyah tried to fight it off, but it was too strong.It soon caught Aaliyah off guard and was able to bite her.At first she just stood there not moving."Spade says in a shaky voice.
"I don't get it why would you still stay in the forest?" I ask patting his head.
"The forest we were in had a great amount of magic energy. I know Aaliyah had felt it to but she wanted to go through it anyway.After the creature had bite Aaliyah it ran away...Aaliyah had said she was fine and that we needed to keep going.Soon the sun started to set and we had no choice but to make camp. But as time went by Aaliyah started acting really weird she was saying all these weird sentences and words..... Then all of a sudden she had passed out. She wouldn't wake up... No matter how much I tried.By the time is was dark I wasn't even able to touch her anymore, because she was burning hot! "Spade looks at his burnt paws then back at me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I know Aaliyah she would never do something lime that unless it was Nessasarry.
" Where is she,? "I ask before jumping up on my feet.
" Not to far from here... But you wont be able to touch her! It's like she's in some sort of force field! "Spade exclaims.
" Take me to her! "I grab Spade and run out the front door.
" Wait Natsu, you don't understand! "Spade says wiggling out of my arms.
" She can't be touched... You'll get hurt! "Spade yells.
" Well I'm not going to leave her there Spade!"I yell back in frustration. 
"Do you really think Aaliyah would be able to live with herself?...If she had found out she hurt you!" Spade's voice sounded pained and hurt.
"I don't care I'll take much chances... If it's for Aaliyah then I WILL protect her!" I say running off into the woods.
"NATSU!" Spade yells. I don't care I'm going to find her! No I WILL find her! She doesn't deserve this. What has she ever done? Why would anyone want to hurt her? Don't worry Aaliyah I'm coming for you. Just thinking about seeing her makes me happy. Just seeing how her beautiful smile shines in the darkness is all I need. I need her... I'm not giving up on someone that gave me the reason to even wake up in the morning.The perks of being a Dragon slayer is when you love someone they will always be with you.No matter how far away they are! 'I Love Her'.

Somewhere in the Forest...

"Sir it seems as if Salamander is coming for the princess!" The man says.
"Well well I was wondering when he would show up... Let her go! "Says A man with long light blue hair.
" But sir..... The girl is not ready she needs at least another year!"The Blonde exclaims.As the light blue haired man rises from his seat everything goes black.
"You dare tell me what my child needs!?" His voice booms through the dark forest.
"N-No sir.... Uhh master!" The blonde haired man replies in fear.
"Then release my daughter NOW! "Then man's voice booms once more.
" Y-yes Acnalogia!"the man says before walking off into a near by cave. The cave was covered in ruins and letters. Through out the cave we're sounds of panting. The man walks over to the loud panting with caution.
"Hello Princess.. I guess it's time for you to rise Aaliyah!"As the man cuts off Aaliyah's ropes she jumps to her feet.
" Where am i? "Aaliyah says while taking a look around.
"Find Natsu Dragneel...And your memories will return." He says before walking off.

                 {PLAY SONG HERE}


It was dark I couldn't see anything. I tried to move but all I felt was pains in my head.
"Oweee ok maybe I should take it easy" As I walk to some sort of opening I see a lot of trees. I'm guessing I was in a forest but it doesn't seem familiar. Step by step I make my way up a big rock. Below I saw a small town. 'Magnolia' I thought.The air smelled sweet and full of love. How long have I been out? And why do I feel like I'm missing something?I take another wiff of the air.... Fire.... Wood.... It was strong almost sweet. I jump off the rock and follow the strong scent. What could it be? As I reach the edge of the forest I'm met with big onyx eyes.He had pink spikey hair and looked a little goofy. I then grab my head in pain.


"Natsu.Put. It. Down. Now!" I say while engulfing my hand in purple flames.
"Why.should.I?" Natsu says holding up my favorite pink shirt.
"Look let's just talk this over man!" I exclaim biting my nails.
"No can do!" Natsu says while throwing my shirt out the window beside him.I ran, as fast as I could and reached my hand out but I didn't see my shirt.
"Looking for this? " Natsu gives me a smile before wiggling the shirt in my face.
"Ahh you idiot! " I jump on him both of us tumbling to the ground.We both burst out laughing.


"Then please be safe....and don't forget you have a guild waiting for you when you come back! " Natsu says before laying his forehead onto mine. 
"How could I forget!"I say wrapping my arms around his waist.  As we finally reach the station I turn to look at Natsu.
"I'll be back, I promise!" I say before smiling.

"You better!" He says waving at me.

                     End of flashback


  Everything started coming back to me. Natsu the guild our promise that... I had broke. None of us say anything just stare at each other. I feel my face start to heat up. He never changes, still the same Natsu I knew. I take a step closer. In the blink of an eye I feel warm arms wrapped around me.
"Natsu" I whisper.
"Aaliyah.. It's. You!" Natsu says hugging me tighter in his grip.
"Natsu...Natsu" I feel warm tears start to fall down my cheek. The one thing I've been missing was him.
"I've missed you Aaliyah!" Natsu says before sticking his head between my neck.
"I've missed you to! " I reply before laying my head in the crook of his neck.

Hey guys so I hope you liked this chapter I kinda got in my feels on this one almost cried.... Anyway stay tuned...

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