Eyes of a Protector...

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I woke up the next morning feeling something heavy on my chest. I look to see Natsu asleep. Then I started to remember what had happened last night... Natsu saw my ruin...No one was ever supposed to see it. I've had it ever since I could remember.Four years I've been able to hide it from the guild....guess the truths out.
"Natsu..." I whispered in his ear.
"Yeah." He says in a sleepy voice.
"Can you get up?" I reply while ruffling his hair. He looks up at me for a second before laying it down again.
"Ten more minutes.." He wined.
"Come on Natsu I want to take a shower... And head to the guild." I say while trying to lift his body off mine... Man was he heavy!
"Finnnneeee." He signed before rolling over. As I get up off the bed I noticed the only thing I had on was natsu's vest, and a pair of a shorts.I quickly wrap his vest around my exposed chest....then run off into the bathroom.


'Are you forgetting something boy?'I heard the same voice from last night say. "What do you mean"... 'The girl has no clothing present!'the voice says. He was right.... I forgot to get Aaliyah's clothes last night.. After a few minutes I heard the water stop.. Uh oh...
" H-hey Natsu? "Aaliyah yells from the bathroom. I walk over to the door.
" Yeah?"I ask rubbing the back of my neck.
"Can I! Barrow some of your clothes?" She says in a shy voice. I run over to my drawer and pull out a jacket with a pair of white pants.
"H-here I-it might not fit though!" I say before handing the clothes through the cracked open door.
"Thanks"She says shutting the door. A few minutes later she walks out fully dressed in my clothes.....and man was I surprised it fit her perfectly... Her magenta hair was put up In a pony tail and she had a little pink on her cheeks.
"What do you think? " She says spinning around in a circle. I was kinda upset that she would ask me that... I mean I know she knows she looks like a Queen so why ask.
"Is it bad that you look better in my clothes then I do?" I say looking at the ground.She let's out a small giggle before leaving the room. As we enter the kitchen I see Happy and Spade were eating...
"Happy!" Aaliyah screams running up to him and wrapping in in a hug.Happy looked like he couldn't breath.
"Easy Love... Don't kill the poor cat. " I hear Spade say before taking another bite of his fish.
"SPADE!!".Aaliyah grabs him into a hug.I liked watching her face expressions to the emotions she feels. Like when she's confused her eyes would glow with determination. Or when she's angry and that one vein pops out of her forehead. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when I smell a familiar scent. 'It's Gray!.... He's gonna take your mate!'the voice screamed. My fists clench just at the thought of Aaliyah and Gray together. I smell his scent get stronger... I know Aaliyah spelled him to because she started walking to the door... With no hesitation I follow quickly behind her.


I know I wasn't smelling things I could smell that icy cold scent a mile away.Gray one of my best friends I haven't seen in two years....i was finally going to see him. As I open up the door a see Gray eyes widen. I give him my signature smile.
"Hey stranger?" I say while waving at him. In, a instant Gray had his arms wrapped around me. I quickly wrap my arms around his waist. I then felt warm liquid on my neck. He... He was crying....
"Y-your ok!" Gray says hugging me tighter. 
"Y-yeah I a-am!" Was all I could say before I was ripped away from Gray's hug. I turn around to see Natsu almost engulfed in flames.
"Don't TOUCH HER!" Natsu says sounding irritated. I look up at Gray to see him glaring at Natsu. You boys never give up do you. I grab Gray's and Natsu's hand. Before I took off running.
"Aaliyah where are we going?" Natsu screamed. I turn around and smile.
"We're going to see our family!" I say before turning away again.


Hearing her say our family made my heart skip a beat. All I could picture was Aaliyah and I with a family of our own. I mean yeah the guild is family... But I want something more with her then friendship in the guild. I look over to see Gray staring at Aaliyah with a red face. Was he staring at her this whole time? Why is he making that face? As I look down I see Aaliyah holding his hand.... I felt my heart break a little. Just from the thought of her touch being given to someone else made me angry.I ran faster pulling Aaliyah with me causing her to let go of Gray's hand.As we arrived at the guild Aaliyah just stared at the Fairy Tail sigh.
"Wow has it changed..." She whispers. I link my hand with hers and give her a resurging smile.
"Don't worry we are all the same!" I say opening the guild doors.As we enter the guild all eyes we're on us. I look over to see Aaliyah's eyes filled with tears.
"AALIYAHS BACK!!" Yelled one of the guild members. At first everyone just stood there not believing, that she was really here. I see Lucy, Erza, Levy, and Juvia run up to Aaliyah.They all hug each other crying there hearts out. I then see Laxus and Gajeel staring at Aaliyah. I throw them a dark glare before focusing on Aaliyah's beautiful smile.


I knew I wasn't smelling things. I'll admit her scent was strong... A little to strong. I look over at Laxus he nods his head.
"You smell it to?" Laxus says crossing his arms.
"Yeah... Somethings different..." I replied.
"You don't think her and Natsu you know...?" Laxus exclaims staring at the two dragon slayers.
"I doubt it.. Natsu is to dense for that!" I say letting out a small chuckle.
"I don't know he seems pretty attached to her Gajeel.." Laxus voices sounded hurt.I look up at Laxus to see him glaring at Natsu.
"You had it coming Laxus.. We all knew she would pick him as her mate!" I say laying my head down.
"Tch whatever" Laxus says before sitting next to me. I look up to see Aaliyah running in our direction.
"Gajeeeeellll... Laxxxussss!" Aaliyah yells before pulling us into a hug. Man did this chick get stronger. Natsu looked like was not trying to rip our heads off right than and there. Finally Aaliyah let's go of us.
"Man look at you guys... Big...now huh?" Aaliyah said in shy voice.
"Yeah well we could say the same for you... Well your still small but strong as ever." Laxus says Ruffiling with her hair. Natsu sends dark glares at us clearly ticked off.
"Well let's talk later I have to go find the master... I want to fight Laxus!" She screams before running off.
"Well I guess sh-!" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my jaw.I look up at Natsu his eyes we're red and his fists were engulfed in flames... I take a step back so does Laxus.
"What was that for? " I yell. Natsu walks up to me.
"Don't you dare touch her again!" He says before walking off. I knew it....Aaliyah is truly his mate.. And if there's one thing I know about the mate life. Is that we would do anything to protect what is ours.I look at Laxus he had a smile on his face.
"What's with the smirk?" I ask cracking my jaw back into place.
"It's seems as if Natsu has found his mate!" Laxus let's out a loud laugh.
"What are you planning Laxus?" I look at him worried.
"Don't worry nothing bad!" Was his last words before he walked away.
As I look back at Natsu I see him glaring at me and Laxus.... I knew what he was thinking.. Laxus was going to push Natsu to his limit...i need to warn Aaliyah before things get out of hand.Little did I know Natsu knew what I was doing.....

So what did you guys think about this chapter? I hope you enjoyed... What's up with Natsu though like really.... And what's gonna happen to gajeel find out on the next chapter hehehe........

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