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"Looks like someone slept well."

Fox walked out of the tent, scratching the base of his tail and squinting at the morning sunshine. Drops of water still clung to the trees, sparkling brilliantly. It made the forest look even more like gemstones than it already did. There was a soft breeze blowing through, shifting the trees and blowing around the leaves that had fallen to the ground. Most were frozen, but some still managed to wander free. Fox's breath puffed out in front of him, and he pulled his arms around himself in a vain effort to keep warm. "Why is is so cold..." he complained.

"Maybe 'cause s'almost winter, babe," Falco replied, stoking the fire.

"What time is it anyway? I don't remember falling asleep and usually I'm up before you." He quickly grabbed his green hoodie and zipped up the tent behind him, and then sat down right next to Falco, shivering.

"Mmm... I think s'bout ten or eleven in the mornin'."

"Aw man, I totally slept in today..." he muttered while slipping on his jacket.

"And how's that a bad thing?" the avian asked.

"I don't like sleeping in..."

"You're so fickle, ya know that?"

"Bite my ass."

"No," Falco replied, "You'd enjoy it too much."

Fox scoffed as he felt his ears grow warm. Falco just laughed and nudged him in the arm. He wanted to say something else, but he knew he would get another smart reply. Instead, he looked at the fire and asked, "What's for breakfast today?"

"The last of our breakfast meals; those ones ya need to fill with water and cook? Yeah these two are our last ones." Falco tossed one to Fox.

"Our supplies are pretty low..."

"I think s'time we head back," Falco said.

"To the beach?" Fox asked, reaching for the thermos of water Falco had resting by the fire.

"No, to Corneria. We've been gone... what? Three months now?"

"Two months and a week... I think."

Falco brushed off his comment with a wave of his wing. "Regardless, s'been long enough, hasn' it?" He poked at the foil bag of breakfast sitting in the coals.

Fox sighed. It has been a while... he thought, filling his foil bag with water and then zipping it closed. He gave it a good shake and handed it to Falco so he could place it in the fire. "Yeah, and it's been wonderful."

"Do you think you're ready to go home?" the avian asked gently.

He looked at the fire. "To be honest... I don't think I'll ever be ready to go back, not truly, but we left without a second word to anyone. Peppy, of course, knows we left, but he didn't know where. He's probably been trying to contact us and we haven't been responding... he's probably worried."

"Well screw what everyone else is feelin'," Falco shook his head, "I wanna know if you're ready; yes or no."

Fox watched the faint tendrils of smoke drift into the chilly air. He didn't answer for a while, but Falco didn't pressure him. He just attended to the foil bags, flipping his over and taking a drink from the thermos. "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess..."

"How 'bout we leave this evenin'? How does that sound?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Okay."

"After breakfast, do you wanna go on a hike? Found some pretty cool trails while settin' up traps that look like they lead up the mountain."

; - A Star Fox fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora