Shoot Beyond the Stars

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I was holding a turtle. I don't know why I was holding a turtle though. I giant duck just came up to me, shoved the turtle in my hands and yelled,
And the turtle yelled back,
And then the duck saluted me and jumped out the window. So I just started walking around and then I saw two dudes arguing with each other and the emo one exclaimed,
"We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!"
And the taller one said,
"Nope don't remember."
I kept walking not wanting to be involved in their lovers quarrel. I passed several different doors with signs on them. The few that I read said Ship Wars, Dank Memes, Tumblr, etc. I wisely decided not to open them. I finally came to the end of the hall and stepped out into the open field. I looked down at the turtle only to find that it had disappeared. I looked back up to see a humanoid ninja turtle? It smiled down at me and for a moment I felt safe. Then the queen of hearts screamed,
And the turtle sliced off my head with a sword and I woke up.
I gasped as I sat up and took in the familiar surroundings of my quarters. I rubbed my throat and looked down at my sheets whispering,
"What the fuck?"
I grabbed my h.c-device [holographic communication device] and looked at the time,0400. I groaned and fell back onto the bed. It was no use going back to sleep since wake-up call was in an hour so I, reluctantly, got up and started getting ready for today's training. Unsurprisingly, it only took about 10 minutes to do my morning routine, including making my bed and showering. With 50 minutes to spare I stared browsing through the Metanet. Being the only female in history to get excepted into the I.A.E.B, it requires a lot of patience, self control, and ability not to slap a prick. I have to be very cautious in everything I do or else it's back to minimum wage jobs for me. Unfortunately, almost every person here is out to get me, trying to get me kicked out while staying under the radar, and as luck would have it General Kaur is one of them. Unlike most people, I hate living in the present, although my current position as Captain requires me too. Back when I still young, grandma told us story's of her ancestors and their cultures. Unlike my brother, Bay, who insisted that the past should stay in the past and we needed to look to the future, I soon got addicted to the cultures of the past. I loved looking back on when times were simpler, when holograms and hover-cars were a thing of the future. I was so lost in the past that I forgot about the present. The bell for the wake-up call rung out through the speakers and I let out a small yelp in surprise. Has it really been 50 minutes already? I quickly turned off my h.c-device and rushed to line up for roll call.
I was currently sitting in the front row of the auditorium, confused as why we were here. The General of the I.A.E.B, General Fall, had called us all out of training for something very important, apparently. General Kaur and Lieutenant General Savill were standing on either side of the podium. I hid the confusion from my face and sat as straight as a board. I could feel the eyes of others burning holes into the back of my head. Then pounding boot steps were heard as General Fall quickly walked up to the podium. Reaching it, he squared his shoulders and began to speak,
"Welcome, soldiers of I.A.E.B, and thank you for joining us."
His face was grim and his voice took on a dark tone,
"A yesterday, General Kaur, Lieutenant General Savill and I had a conference with the generals of Fvenhet. One of their spies on Dygretyra has discovered plans, those of which they to attack and conquer the planets in the Intergalactic Alliance. We have decided that we will sent a group of highly trained soldiers to attack and destroy the base from the inside-out."
He cleared his throat, preparing to speak the names of the chosen soldiers,
"When I call your name please stand and come up to the podium, Second Lieutenant Quinn Pankhurst."
I looked up to see my second in command and one of my only friends that I have here. He quickly climbed the steps up to the podium and saluted General Fall.
"Do you, Lieutenant Pankhurst, accept this mission in the name of the Intergalactic Alliance?"
Quinn puffed out his chest and stood a bit taller,
"I do."
"And do you solemnly swear that you will give up your life, if needed, for the sake of this mission?"
"I do."
His answer was not a surprise. When anyone is accepted into the I.A.E.B, you are asked if you are willing to give up your life for the sake of others. If you say no they don't let you in, no matter how well you did in the exams.
"Then, Lieutenant Pankhurst, welcome to Operation Black Comet."
Quinn saluted the general and walked over to the side of General Kaur.
"First Lieutenant Uno Handson."
Uno, my first in command and other friend, walked up to the podium. He went through the same procedure as Quinn and stood at attention next to him. General Kaur seemed to glare at me as General Fall prepared to speak the next name.
"Captain Zia Savidge."
I almost fell out of my seat at the sound of my name, but I remained calm. I quickly walked up to the podium, being cautious that I didn't trip and fall on the way, and stood in front of General Fall. I could feel the nausea forming in my stomach as the eyes of the soldiers behind me felt like arrows piercing my back; damn anxiety. I packed the anxiety into the depths of my mind as General Fall began talking,
"Do you, Captain Savidge, accept this mission in the name of the Intergalactic Alliance?"
Deep breaths Zia, deep breaths. Don't freak out it's only a question. I reminded myself.
"I do."
Yeah and a decision that will either shift the fate of billions of lives onto your shoulders or make you betray the promise you all those years ago. One of my inner voices pointed-out; I blame it on bipolar. You're not helping, Logic! I yelled back, in my head of course.
"And do you solemnly swear that you will give up your life, if needed, for the sake of this mission?"
It's now or never.
"I do."
"Then, Captain Savidge, welcome to Operation Black Comet."
I was nervously sitting in my quarters, fidgeting with the jade necklace my bother gave me, when I heard a knock at the door.
I said, not especially caring who it was at the moment and continued staring at the floor. Footsteps crossed the room and a moment later an arm draped across my shoulders.
"Hey Capt! Aren't you excited? We're finally going to be able to work a real mission instead of playing cops and robbers and training all day."
I turned to face Quinn with Uno sitting in a chair across from us. Rubbing my eyes and removing his arm from my shoulder, I told him,
"Quinn, this isn't just some in-and-out mission. The entire fate of the Intergalactic Alliance will be resting on our shoulders."
"And I know that, but right now can't we just enjoy the fact that we're going to space? I mean, I don't know about you but I've never been."
"Zia, why don't you go and relax, take time to absorb this information." Uno suggested, "It might also release some of the tension that you've been building up."
I looked at him questioningly.
"When did you become the wiseman?"
He smirked at me.
"Just now."
I rolled my eyes shooed them out of my room. After checking to make sure the coast was clear I took the route down to the roof access. One of the perks to being high in command is that you can go basically anywhere in the building, one of them being the roof. I climbed the steps up and opened the door, the chill of the night air surrounding me. I went to my favorite spot and laid down, the chill of the wind brushing across my face. I smiled and looked up at the stars, imagining the secrets that they hold. I reached my hand up and swirled it around in circles, as if I were touching and turning the stars themselves. Other than the occasional swish of a hover-car or the sound of men laughing down below, the night was silent. I stared fondly at the stars and thought back to today's earlier events; I was so close. I rolled to my feet and started walking the path down to my quarters. I, Zia Savidge, the first female to get into I.A.E.B, was going to space.

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