Just Your Average Fairy Tale

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Peridot Evangeline
I stood in shocked silence. I trembled as tears ran down my face. Slowly, I pieced together what just happened. Alex and I were just hanging out as usual when a freaking dragon burst through the wall and kidnapped him. The doors of the throne room burst open and people came flooding in. Immediately, they swarmed me with questions.
"What happened here? Why is there a hole in the wall? Where is the princess?"
Tears streaked down my face as I pointed to the wall,
"T-the dragon! It was the dragon!" , I wiped the tears from my eyes my eyes and continued, "We were just hanging out when that damned dragon came and took him to Gods knows where!"
I clenched my fists in anger and looked at the floor.
"You servant girl!" I looked up to see Clara, one of the queen's ladies in waiting. Pretty ironic since she probably one of the most impatient people I know. "Start cleaning up this mess. We will have to send word to the knights and princes across the provinces. Princess Alexandra must be terrified." I wanted to argue and say that Alex is a boy, not a girl, but I know not to go against my superiors and it was neither the time nor the place for arguing. I curtsied and robotically said,
"Yes madame Clara." I ran off to find cleaning supplies and help. As the sound of my shoes hitting the ground echoed throughout the halls, I came up with a plan to rescue Alex.

It's been a month since Alex's kidnap and it was finally time for my plan to be put into action. I looked into one of the castle's huge mirrors. My former waist-long brunette hair was now cut down to boy length and was sticking up everywhere. The freckles that dusted across my nose and checks brought out my deep chocolate brown eyes. I took a step towards the throne room but hesitated. This plan was extremely risky and if I went through with it, death would be my new best friend, but Alex needs me and I can't let him down. Full of determination, I set off toward the throne room. I quietly opened the doors and took my place next to the other men. The king stood up and made his way down to us.
"Now that we are all here, we can begin. As I'm sure you all know my precious daughter," Son, I thought bitterly, "was taken by the Dragon of Dreyfuss last month. I have gathered you here to rescue her. The knight that returns with my daughter and their life will win her hand in marriage."

To be continued... at some point

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