First Morning

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    You and Jimin slept wrapped within each other's arms until around eight o'clock. You were sleeping soundly and calmly but you were suddenly woken by a vibration on your stomach. Your phone was ringing in your hoodie pocket. You groan at the noise as you pulled the phone out of your pocket. You glanced briefly at the screen before answering it with your eyes still closed in the same sleeping position. Wishing to not move from where you're.

    "Y/N?" Taehyung said on the other end of the call.

    "Yes Tae?" You mumble in a sleepy tone.

    "Y/N are you okay? Is Jimin with you? Did you guys go home?" He begins frantically and annoyingly loudly asking questions down the phone.

    "Tae... calm down ... we are fine... Jimin's asleep ... we are still here." You quickly reply to calm him down.

    "Where are you guys we looked everywhere for you." Tae says pressing further.

    "I don't know ..." you peek an eye open to check where you were. "We're outside" you say sitting up and rubbing your eyes a bit.

    "You're outside, what do you me-" You couldn't hear the end of Tae's sentence because he was interrupted by Jimin mumbling next to you.

    "Y/N come back to bed" Jimin says sleepily. "Y/NNNNN, Y/N" Jimin whispers over Taehyung as he tries to speak to you. You try to get Jimin to stop moaning but he seems to get worse the more you tried.

    "Shush... not you Tae carry o-" you give up and tell him to shut it and try to continue your conversation. Jimin ends up taking control because he wants to sleep. He sits up and takes the phone from you mid sentence and begins talking quickly to Tae.

    "Tae we're asleep on the trampoline - now leave us alone so we can sleep in peace please. Thank you." He hangs up and immediately turns the screen off before hearing a response and lies back down to go back to bed.

    "We should go and help tidy up." You mumble regretting thinking about actually helping but felt you had to.

    "Shush, not yet, ten more minutes snuggling." He says pulling you back to lay down beside him.

    "Five" you say in protest of his suggestion.

    "Seven" he says pulling you onto him closer so you are cuddling again. You think about how warm and cosy he is against you.

    "Five" you reiterated letting him know you final offer.

    "Okay fine." He moans giving in to your request.

    The two of you dozed off again all cosied up. During your mini nap you found that you had subconsciously grabbed a little bit of Jimin's hoodie. You'd wrapped your fingers in the piece and had begun stroking his chest with your thumb lightly.

*Jimin's POV*

    As I woke up slightly I felt a light tug on my chest. My hoodie was wrapped in Y/N's fingers and she was tugging it lightly. That's cute, she's so cute. I gazed upon her sleeping face and smiled in awe of her beauty.  I smiled once again before snuggling back in so that she wouldn't catch me.

*Third Person POV*

    You fell back asleep for slightly more than anticipated and you end up needing the loo.  You try to sneak out of Jimin's grip, as to not wake him, but his grip was pretty firm. As you struggle to escape, you give up and end up saying "Jimin - release me please - I'm dying for a wee."

    "Morning to you too Pumpkin." He mumbles opening his eyes slowly to look at you.

    "Pumpkin?" You chuckle looking at the cuteness right before you.

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