Reader Insert

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The guy on the cover is Ryder :)


You were  walking home late from work. It was starting to get dark and a nervous tingle was running down your spine. He was listening to music and walking fast to the beat of the music. You hummed along as you walked to and try rid the feeling of being watched when suddenly three men jumped out in front of you. You stumbled backward and looked around fearfully when you realized that they had surrounded you. You panicked when you saw in one of the mans hands a small pocket knife.

One of the men shouted, "Give me everything you got!" You were panicking while the men got more impatient by the second. "Hurry up!" You felt fear crawl up your spine when the men grabbed at you and started to search him with their rough and dirty hands, but before they could run off with any of it a mysterious shadow came out of nowhere and the 3 men were taken into the alley way they jumped out of. Because your earphones had come out you could hear them screaming for help and you decided to walk on, traumatised by what you just heard and what had happened before that.

The next day as you watched the news it said there were 3 dead men found in the same alley way and to no surprise they were the same men that attacked him last night. Panicking you ran outside for some fresh air. As you walked around, you saw Ryder Bell. A boy who rarely ever talks to anyone or is ever see out in daylight. He was perfect, you had always liked him and all the rumours and mystery that surrounded him but you had never seen him so clearly before, his jet black hair with the white, his lip piercing, his tattoo on his finger, as you were staring at him, you didn't notice that he'd walk over to you.

You looked up into his bright blue eyes startled. Ryder smirked asking me something you would have never thought he would know, "Y/N isn't it?" you were so startled that for a second you couldn’t respond before you shook the haze off, "Yeah..., you're Ryder right?" He nodded. "Walk with me.", he demanded and you were helpless against his voice. You were hesitant to start the conversation, but you had too. "So....What do you want?" Ryder tipped his head to the side while looking down at me, "I'm here to talk about what happened last night." You froze, How does he know? Maybe he means something else, he can't possibly know?! "Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" You shook your head. "Good." He sounded relieved just then...right?

You were getting nervous, "H-How do you know?" you managed to stutter out. "I just do...." You didn't buy it but you didn't have the confidence to answer him back so you just nodded. "Erm....Well....Bye Y/N." He said plainly as he walked away. You froze and watched him walk away in confusion, ‘could he possibly the shadow from last night? But why would he kill them?....And how?....It said they were drained of blood and no one had any idea how...’ Later that day you were watching a scary movie in you room when you heard a knock at your window.

You almost jumped out of your skin, but you thought it'd just be one of your friends scaring you so you paused the movie and opened the curtains and looked was Ryder. You almost fell over. Ryder motioned to you to open the window for him. You paused and didn't know whether you should or not. But you did anyway. He climbed in and you closed the window after him.

You: "H-How on earth do you know where I live?! And which room mine is?!" you demanded.

Ryder: "I just do! Deal with it!" He shouted at you.

You: "Well I think it's weird that a boy I've never talked to before knows where I live AND which my room is!" You shouted back.

Ryder: "Shut up! I came here to tell you something important!"

You sighed and joined him as he sat on the side of the bed next to him. "Look, I know you don't really know me but....You're my soul mate Y/N, I love you. I have since you moved here 2 years ago." You froze and looked at him. "And because of that I NEED to tell you something." You were getting nervous but at the same time you were really happy. "What?...."

Ryder: "Promise me you won't freak out and run?" You nodded but you were a little scared. "I-I'm a....a....V-Vampire...." He stuttered. You laughed thinking it was a joke. "I'm serious Y/N!" You laughed more, but soon stopped when he pinned you down on the bed and hissed at you with his fangs out and red eyes. You panicked and got scared. "I'm sorry." He said getting up off you. You were about to run when you remembered you'd promised you wouldn't and you never break your promises!

You: "Erm....Well....That's erm.....Wow...." Was all you could say, he laughed a little.

Ryder: "Thank you for not running Y/N." You smiled. "But you probably think I'm a monster....I should leave." He got up and was about to leave when you ran to him and hugged him, you don't know why you did it but you just did. "What?"

You: "You're not a monster Ryder." You told him. "And I think I love you too." You admitted. You looked up and he was smiling. He kept glancing at your lips and leaned in. And that was your first kiss and most definitely not your last

No one hate me for what I just did. This reader insert has been finished for about two months so there.

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