Morning Light (Path 1)

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(Y/n)s Pov.

I woke up to the sunshine....
"GAH!" I woke up yelling while freaking out.
"MY EYES!" I hiss, *thud, "owww"

*knock* *knock*

I sigh and get off the ground, "Coming!" I walk to the door and I see ash and his friends.

"Good morning (Y/N)!" Ash says,
"Hi" I reply.
"Wait how did you find this place?"
I question confused,"Nvm I don't even want to know, come inside it's cold."
"Ah, thanks (Y/N)." Ash says.
Ow my eyes, I think. He's too shiny.

-------- very tiny time skip--------

"Do you guys want some coco?" I ask.
"Yes please!!!" Bonnie says happily,
While the others agree.
"K, brb." I say while going to the kitchen.

Inside of the kitchen I could hear them talking, about something.

After I finished the Cocos I have it to them.

"Here some coco" I say.

"Thanks!" Everyone said except for Serena all she really did was mumble,

Hmmmmmmm.......... weird. Meh. She's probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


"Hey guys do you want to go outside and play in the snow?" Bonnie asks all of us,
" Sure! Wait outside for me I'm going to go change real quick!" I say,
"Okie doki!" Bonnie stated happily.

------another small time skip------

"Awaahh! It's a bit colder today than usual!" I complain,
"Its not that bad is it?" Ash asks me,
"Meh, could be worse really." I shrug.

(Here comes the question did you miss them?)

"Hey (Y/N) do you want to go to the woods and look for some pokemon with me?" Ash asks me,
"Awww, I wanted to go to park with you all though..." Bonnie states sadly.

Go to the park with the gang?


Go to the wood for some pokemon with Ash?

Are you guys happy? I'm proud of myself for making a new chapter though. Well bye! See you next chapter! Remember you can choose when I finish the chapters for the question answers! Ps. This is short, sorry 'bout that.

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