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(Elizabeth's POV)

I sat up in bed, giving up on trying to get some sleep. It's 3AM, and I haven't been able to sleep. The sound of screaming from outside startled me awake, and now sleep won't come back to me. I run my eyes tiredly, and swing my legs over the side of my bed and stand up. My feet come in contact with the cold floor, causing me to shiver. I put on socks, and go downstairs, sliding on my converses.

Maybe a walk will help. I open, my door and step onto my porch. It was a bit chilly out. I have a long sleeve shirt on, but I had shorts on. It's not too cold out though. I walk up the street, letting out a sigh. It was quiet, other then the buzzing noise coming from the streetlights as I passed by them. There was no one on the streets, obviously, and it was nice. It was quiet and peaceful, and despite the coldness, it was lovely out.

Maybe I should go for walks more often at night. I continue to walk, humming softly as my feet softly hit the concrete with every step I took, echoing through the quiet streets. I walk past a dark alleyway, a glance in as I walk by, but continue to walk. I wouldn't dare step in there. I'm terrified of the dark, for one. And two, for obvious reasons. I'm not dumb. There could be a drug dealer in there, or a rapist, or murderer. I choose living thank you very much.

I continue to hum, tugging at the ends of my sleeves so they're covering my hands, shielding them them the slightly cold air. I decide that, maybe I should head back and go back to bed. I've been out long enough, and my legs are starting to get cold. I stop, and turn, and start walking down the street, and towards my house. I softly sing, and kick a rock, and it flys down the sidewalk, making thumping noises as it goes and falls off the curb, and into the street.

I leave it be, deciding that taking a small rock out of the road couldn't be necessary. I walk past that alleyway once more, and once more glance into it. It was way too dark to see inside of it. The dim light front the streetlights not strong enough to expose whatever lie inside it. Though, it was probably just trash and dumpsters and what not.

As I approach my house, I could see a figure, which appeared to be a man, hovering over a women, who was lying on the ground. Are they making out? In front of my house? As I get closer, I realize that's not the case, when I see the blood pooling beneath her, and cover my mouth. Thankfully, his back is turned to me. I slowly back away, fear consuming me.

I dare to say nothing, as I slowly turn, and walk as calmly as possible, careful to not make any noise. I cross the street, picking up my speed a bit until I turn the corner and than I run. I run till I get to my best friend, Kaitlyn's house. I knock loudly on the door, until she opens it, confused. I obviously woke her up, but I didn't care.

"Izzy-" I cut her off by hurrying in and slamming the door. "Lizzy what are you doing?" She says and she must've realized how scared I looked because her facial features go from confused to concerned. "What happened?" She asks. "A g-guy he.. some girl he killed her in front of my house." I say shakily. "What? Why didn't you call the cops." She says.

"I don't have my phone, I-I went for a walk and came back and I saw that and oh my god.." I say running my shaky hands through my hair. "And you didn't hear anything?" She asks. "No- well yes, I heard a scream before I left my house but they weren't there when I left." I say. "Are you sure you weren't just seeing things?" She asks. "Are you calling me a liar?" I ask in disbelief.

"No, No, Izzy, I'm just saying maybe because your tired, your brain was making up things." She explains. "I mean you didn't hear them say anything at all right?" She says and I nod slowly. "How about this, we'll go and look from the beginning of your street, and if we still see them or anything out of the ordinary still there, we'll call the cops okay? I just don't wanna call them mad waste their time." She explains and I slowly nod.

"But wait what if he's still there and he sees us and comes after us?" I ask. "Then we run. We'll have a head start on him anyways." She says and I nod. We step outside and I shiver. "Why'd you go outside at this time anyways? Especially in shorts." She asks.
"That scream woke me up and I couldn't fall back to bed so I simply thought fresh air would help. Which it did, because I'm exhausted." I explain.

We get to the beginning of my street and peek down. There was no one there but you could see a dark substance still pooled in front of my house and I turn to her. "You see that right?" I say. "Lets go." She says and grab my arm ands starts running. "What-" I say but she shushes me. We get to her house and she shoves me in, following after and quickly locks the door.

"What the hell?" I say. "On your neighbors porch, there was a guy.." She says. "Yeah and a guy lives there with his girlfriend maybe they saw and called the cops." I explain. "No, it wasn't that man, it was a younger looking guy. He had blue hair. But his eyes appeared to be fully black. Like no color at all, even the white parts." She says and I look at her in disbelief.

"Please believe me. There was blood like running from them too. He turned and looked straight at us. That's why I grabbed you and ran." She says and my heartbeat increases with every word she says. "Call the cops." I say as she pulls out her phone in a hurry.

Authors Note

Y'all like this? It's way more detailed and such.
I'm kinda proud ngl
DarkTDM, is cominggggg watch outtt

Peace ✌🏼

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