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(Elizabeth's POV)

"Okay so my name is Jemma. I'm  married to Dan." She says. "Dans that guy?" I ask and she nods. "About a year ago some demon thing possessed him. We're not sure how or when but it did. It takes full control over his body when he's either weak or starts to feel a negative emotion. We call the demon Dark. Dans fully aware when Dark is in control just he has no control. He doesn't wanna do this." Jemma says, tears started swelling in her eyes as she spoke.

"He's actually a really lovely person ya know? He's so selfless, and kind and sweet. I just wish that Dark would leave him alone." She says and I could feel my heart swell in my chest. I can't imagine how she feels. "Dark will kill you. So please, just do what he says. Okay, Elizabeth?" She says and I slowly nod. "Call me Lizzy or Izzy." I mumble, not even bothering on asking her how she knows my name.

"Okay well, Izzy. I'm working on getting you out of here. I just, can't get caught which will be hard. I'll answer any questions you have later but right now, I need to go upstairs. Dan usually feels ill after Dark stops possessing him. I'll be back with food later." She says and I nod, saying a small "thank you" as she walked back up the stairs. Then I was alone. I could feel loneliness creep up on me, filling my heart. I bring my knees up to my chest, and wrap my arms around my legs and sigh. At least she kept the light on.

I really don't like the dark, not at all. I could feel bruises forming on my throat, and rub my throat with my hand, in an attempt to dull the pain. It didn't work. It just made it hurt worse. I sigh and swallow thickly as I look around. There wasn't much in the room. I could see a wooden chair in the corner, to the left of me, there was another door, which I'm only guessing lead into another room or another half of the basement.

I definitely don't wanna know what's on the other side. The stairs, were right in front of me, which lead up to a door. I could only guess that they keep it locked, so I'm not gonna even bother. I rather not have that poor man get possessed again by that terrifying demon thing. I yawn, and lean my back against the wall behind me. I'm too scared to sleep. What if Dark possesses him and comes down here and kills me in my sleep?

That is when I'll be at my weakest. I wouldn't be able to react. I'm gonna get out here; I will get out of here. No matter what. I stare at the ceiling, and once again, I burst into tears. I couldn't stop them as the burned at my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. I'm sick of crying. I really am. I could feel my eyes getting heavy, and I couldn't help but give into the temptation to close them. I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with a jolt, my breathing heavy, and my eyes stinging with tears. I had a nightmare. He killed me. I sigh in relief as I realize it wasn't real and I sit up. I don't know how long I was out. I wish there was a clock or something down here. Windows, or something just so I knew what time it was. Whether if was day or night. I was still quite tired so I'm guessing a half hour at the most.

I stand up and walk around. I grab the chair and bring it over to the wall and sit down. That's way more comfortable. I hear the door open and I don't even bother looking up. Its either one of two people. "Hey.." I hear Jemma's voice and I look up, but open my eyes in surprise when I see that man, Dan..? Behind her. He didn't seem like he was possessed at the moment. In fact, he looked fine. Normal. But he still scared me. "I came down here with food two hours ago but you were asleep, are you hungry?" She asks and I quickly shake my head no. That's a lie. I'm starving.

But who can't say that she could be out to get me too? She could easily drug or poison me. No thanks. "Can I leave." I ask and Dan looks down at the ground, sadness and guilt washing over his features but he quickly seems to regain himself and smiles. Oh yeah sadness is a negative emotion. I didn't get an answer. "You guys know.. I refuse to stay here forever, I'll escape I can promise you. I wouldn't call the police because of course that'd be uncalled for since technically you guys didn't do anything wrong." I say and they just stare at me as if they were waiting for me to continue.

"I'm sorry, I really am.." I hear Dan say and I look up. "I didn't want to. I didn't want any of this to happen, he just doesn't listen. At all. I.." He stops talking. "I know. Don't worry about it." I say uneasily and he looks up. "Listen, Izzy. You can't escape. It'll stress him out and that's technically negative, and Dark will possess him. Dark will find you and probably kill you. You have to let me help you. Not to be mean, but this is a situation where you're not able to save yourself. Because you'll only be setting yourself up to be killed." She says and I clench my jaw.

"This is fucking bullshit. What'd I do? Why.." I say and Dan backs up a bit, walking backwards. Jemma stayed put. "Elizabeth please calm down." She says softly and I put my head in my hands. "You're right I'm sorry.." I mumble. "I'm sorry Dan. I know you have no control of this." I say and I look back up. Dan looked to be in pain and I give Jemma a look. "He's sick." She says grabbing his hand, and sitting down with him.

"We'll stay down here with you for a bit, I know you must be lonely. But if he shows any sign of Dark, we have to leave immediately." Jemma says and I slowly nod. I was trying to grasp the situation. I was trying to understand, I really was. I just couldn't. This seemed like a dream, as if this could never be real. Yet here I was, living a real life nightmare. One that I couldn't wake up from.

Authors Note


So that happened.

Sorry I haven't been uploading, I haven't been using social media that much because mentally, I haven't been my best at all.

I'm trying though, I really am.

Peace ✌

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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