8 - Magic

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I have a feeling this will be a short one guys, but here goes!


~Avalon's P.O.V~

I was worried. I mean, I'd done this a hundred times, and never been caught once. But now it was different. I was in Camelot's realm and any patrol of knights could find me. Yet the urge to just go and use magic was too strong for me to even attempt to resist.

Choosing my footing carefully, I made my way deeper and deeper into the forest, twigs snagging at my clothing and branches whipping my face. Finally I arrived at an opening. Like a glade almost. Quickly scanning my surroundings, I started to create shapes made from glittering lights in the cool air. Butterflies swooped past my head, birds called to me with their own sweet, special song and for that one moment I just let my eyes close in bliss. That was my downfall.

Snap. Spinning around, all the birds and butterflies disappeared in an instance.

'Hello?' I called out. Nothing. Just the same silence I'd heard before. Snap. There it was again. Another twig breaking, somewhere off in the distance.

'Hello?' I asked again, this time louder and with more confidence. Whoever this person was and whatever they'd seen, it was my word against their's and I would most likely win with Merlin and Arthur's support.

'Avalon Faye. I have come to forwarn you of a great tragedy that will befall you...'

Almost screaming in surprise, I slowly turned around again, and saw a dark shadowy figure lurking beneath the canopy of leaves.

'Who are you? What do you want with me?' I replied to the figure, shaking violently. I'd heard if girls been killed by madmen alone in dark places. Avalon! Stop! Your magic will save you... I screamed at myself internally. I had always worried unnecessarily.

'I cannot reveal to you my name Avalon Faye, but you may trust me when I say that you must be warned. Your magic is powerful and you may think that it can save you from the darkest of situations, but this time magic will not be your saviour. On quite the contrary my dear... it will be your destroyer.' Wait... What? Why was there a creepy man saying that my magic would destroy me? Had he just read my mind about my magic saving me?

'What? What do you mean?! What's going to happen to me? What's my magic got to do with any of this?!' I screamed back at the man, but he had already fled into the depths of the forest. Realising that the sun had practically set, I hurried back towards Camelot.

Something about what the man had said sent fear and panic into me. I know he was probably a crazy old man who had nothing better to do than scare young girls. But still... It bothered me. What he said couldn't be true... Could it? And no one had followed me so how had known I was in the middle if the forest? And why was he even there himself?

Shaking off what had happened I walked into my temporary lodgings next to Merlin and Gaius' quarters. It was a simple, plain room, but it was warm and Merlin had said he would bring food that Gaius cooked. As I entered through the small wooden door, I noticed a note laying in my bed.

Dear Avalon,

Meet us in the chambers of the Lady Morgana at 1 hour before midnight. We will be expecting you.


That was strange. Why would I be needed in the Lady Morgana's chambers and who was GE and MP? I guess I'd just have to go and find out.


Exciting times! I wonder who GE and MP are? Leave a comment with your guess? Sorry that the chapter is quite short but I'm tired and its late... So... Yeah....



The Betrayal of Avalon Faye ~ A Merlin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now