9 - Dress Up...

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Hi Everyone! I have 100 readers! Who'd thought it? Thanks for reading and here is the update you've all waited very (very) patiently for!



~Morgana's P.O.V~

*rat a tat tat*

I heard a small knock at the wooden door to my chambers.

'She's here!' I exclaimed to Gwen who was smiling over the other side of my room. Slowly, I made my way over to the door and lifting the latch, I pulled it open. Standing in front of me was a girl, with a petite frame, dark and wavy hair flowing down to her back and the most amazing green eyes I had ever seen. I hated to admit it, but they were even better than mine...

'Avalon, I presume?' I sounded horrible, like some sort if inquisitor. In a more gentle tone I invited her in, and looked her up and down.

'Um... I'm not really... un sure... um, why I'm here...?' Avalon stuttered, staring intently at her feet.

'Oh! Didn't Merlin tell you?' I asked, 'He wanted me to sort out a dress for you for the feast. Gwen mentioned to him, that you'd got nothing to wear, and I owe him a favour. As you already know the feast is in my honour, so I get to choose a lady in waiting to carry my dresses train upon my arrival. I want you to be that person!'

'Ohhhh... You see... The thing is... I'm not really a dressy uppy type of girl. In fact I've never actually worn a dress in my entire life... And to be honest I wasn't really planning on it, but thank you for the offer'. During her little speech I felt my face slowly dissipate into a more and more sarcastic expression.

'Sorry Avalon, but you're just going to have to lump it'.

My face had turned sarcastic, and hers looked down right sour. Even though I knew she was going to hate every minute, I'd make a beauty of her yet.

~ Avalon's P.O.V~

Morgana started on my hair tugging and brushing and clipping, until I thought my head was going to fall off. She'd gotten Guinevere to tie strips of material into my hair. Apparently it was going to create, I quote - Beautiful Waves. Then it was my face. To be fair to her, she just dabbed a little cream her and there.

'Now you let this cream soak into your skin and you'll be flawless for the feast tomorrow. Also leave your hair up overnight and don't take the material out until you come back to me to get changed' Morgana commanded. I was going to have to stay like this for a whole day? I'd have to hide in a cupboard.

'What am I wearing tomorrow' I asked cautiously. I was not happy about the fact that I'd be wearing a dress.

'Oh, no! That's a surprise...' Morgana said mysteriously. Perfect. I wouldn't even be able to mentally prepare myself for the horrors if be wearing, because I didn't know what they'd be. Just great.

'Right, you're all sorted now. Just remember to come to my chambers again tomorrow afternoon to get ready! It's going to be amazing...' Morgana's face, was the picture of happiness. I'd never seen anybody more in their element. Quickly, I was ushered out because it was late and soon the curfew would be in place.

As I was walking back to my room, someone grabbed my arm, pulled me down a side corridor and placed a large hand over my mouth. I automatically went to scream, but the large hand was preventing my lips from letting any sound escape. I felt hot breath by my ear, and I quickly tended ready to break from the hold I was in.

'Avalon, shush...' A voice soothed in my ear, 'It's me, Merlin'. Spinning around to face my captor, I did see Merlin standing in front of me with a worried expression on his face. My first instinct was to hit his chest. Hard.

'You absolute idiot! Never do that again. Ever! Next time I might actually kill you...' I hissed in his face, trying muster up as much anger as I could, but the worried look he was wearing, distractedly too much.

'Merlin? What's up? What's happened?!' I questioned frantically.

'Today, someone was harvesting forest herbs... and they saw something through the trees...'

'Saw what Merlin?!'

'They say they saw magic... They didn't see who, but please Avalon... tell me you're not that stupid?! Tell me you were in the castle all day?'

'Merlin... I-I-I didn't realise... I-I made s-sure no one f-foll-followed me...'

'Avalon, if the'd have seen it was you... You could be awaiting death tonight! Please promise me you will never ever ever be that stupid again! I know it's hard to suppress the urge to use it sometimes, but you have to be in control! One mistake, and the king will have you burnt alive...' Merlin shook his head quickly.

'Avalon, if ever you were caught I could never forgive myself for not saving or protecting you... So please don't do it again!' He said, practically begging. Looking up, I searched his eyes for something, although I'm not quite sure what. Maybe I just enjoyed losing myself in those deep blue pools.

'I promise...' I said quietly. But I did t mention that someone had been there. That old man couldn't have come from Camelot, could he?

'Good. I think you should be okay, the woman didn't see a face, and with the feast the king didn't seem to bothered...' Merlin replied, seeming more relieved now, and i did too. that man hadn't told anyone of our meeting.

'Avalon? What have you done to your hair?' Merlin asked, looking slightly confused.

'Oh... I don't even know... Two words. Morgana and Feast' I said in an exasperated tone. He just carried on staring in awe of the weird array of rags tied up in my hair.

I hated to see him so worked up about this, and the fact that I was the cause made it even worse. But it was sorted now. Right? I promised not to use magic again in Camelot. But believe me when I say this... Magic is not easy to suppress.


Is that enough drama for everyone? Any plot theories? Leave a comment or feedback below an don't forget to vote!


NU: I can't really say as my workload is massive, so don't expect one too soon!

The Betrayal of Avalon Faye ~ A Merlin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now